She is miles out of his league. See it all the time with successful/driven women and it baffles me. They often pick men that aren't a match for them in intellect and ambition.
Your Andrew Tate/Men's Rights types love to talk about how women want to date upwards, but I agree settling is more common. And often those men - like this guy - are deeply insecure about it and will be overtly or subtly getting her to dull her shine.
Red flag if they need therapy so early in their relationship… is she aspiring for a relationship like her equally shallow bud chessie cause I don’t think that’s all sunshine and roses either.
Chessie has done the classic influencing thing of making out all is great, then doing to therapy-is-helping-us-through-a-bad patch reel. Can't wait for the divorcing-but-bff-co-parents reel!