They/them is not about genders though, it’s about plurality. I remember a brief period of time when non-binary tried to invent new pronouns for themselves, something like 'zir', I think that would have been a way ahead. Trying to have an actual conversation while referring to another (single) person 'they/them' really does my head in.Your question is something I'm yet to find the answer to. I don't spend my days enraged by people identifying as male or female.
Quite honestly, why would the concept bother others? Just let people live their lives.
Well Sam Smith feels like it does need another term. Why does that affect others? Just blend it into your every day and carry on.
It’s a bit like when a person I know whose family is originally from Bulgaria (where apparently people indicate agreement by shaking their head and disagreement by nodding), would say 'yes' and shake her head or say 'no' and nod. It doesn’t sound like much but it was genuinely making me dizzy.