Sarah & Josh (POG family)

Or it could just be that he's become addicted to vlogging which is why his content is coming thick and fast, while Sarah is still here, still alive. Busy capturing pictures of Sarah in bed with her children and then publishing them to them to youtube for strangers to view, for what purpose?

Oh yeah, I think both he and Sarah have been addicted to vlogging for a while now. There have been moments that Sarah has filmed that totally put me in awe, because I could never imagine doing the same thing (then again, I don't use any social media at all so a lot of social media makes me feel this way). Like the video she filmed right after she got her one-month (6-month at best) prognosis is something I can't imagine doing. I think I would be too emotionally distraught to even think about getting a camera to record myself crying as I share the news with an audience. They seem to become emotionally dependent on all the positive and reassuring attention they get.

Josh will probably be vlogging almost every single day before Sarah's death and probably afterwards too. The instant gratification of having a bunch of people trying to make you feel better is addictive to them.
They also have a discord account (maybe from gaming??) where people can chat in private. It appears that he will accept anyone who asks to join. It was 400+ a couple days ago and is up to 511 right now. 27 people are online at this time. After she passes away, I can't imagine why people would want to continue to chat with him or the other members.
Paul's video was so kind and compassionate. He breaks down in tears talking about Sarah's current state, but he tells Josh that he thinks he's making the right decision by choosing hospice.
What the heck has it got to do with a random stranger in another hemisphere? I'm so confused.
Since I asked previously I know it's just me who can't watch him LOL but I find this all very exploitative.
Me too 👍👍👍👍👍
Its horrible,she does not know what is going on.
I'd like to remind everyone of Josh's own words.......

Josh posted another update vlog. The question of Sarah making a video: he said she said she wants to but he will only do it if her lucid time isn't being used by the children. He said that Braeden is like Sarah and would want her to talk to her POG family. He also said the channel will continue and they'll probably be filming doing all the experiences and travel that has been put on hold the last few years.

I don't think I want to watch any more daily updates. He probably finds it therapeutic but I find it difficult to watch him as he tries to not become emotional.
The POG Family channel will die with Sarah ❤️, that's just the way people are when watching "deathbed chronicles" hence why everyone lost interest in TT once she was "cured".
Josh sounds like he is trying to be as mentally prepared for a future without Sarah as possible now. He talks about how he’ll continue to live on and care for his kids.

He says the family will probably be sharing all the adventures they take. Personally I think he shouldn’t include the 3-year-old in the videos because she can’t really consent and he doesn’t know if she’ll wish she were never in these videos when she gets older. I hope he doesn’t take the direction of a lot of “family vloggers” who share extremely personal experiences their kids go through.

Breaden is still pretty young at 11 years old, but the whole reason they initially started their YouTube pages is because he told his parents he wanted to be a YouTuber, so they decided to do it with him.
Also who's Amelia? How old is she?
The short answer - NO.

And those thoughts usually occur after a spouse/partner has passed away, not while they are alive.
Yesterday in a video he said essentially they are waiting for Sarahs brain to shut down. I simply couldn't and would never ever have thought (nevermind saying publically on the www!) " I am waiting for my husbands lungs to shut down". Just the thought of me never seeing him again crippled me! I used to get so upset that my legs would buckle at the knees whenever I walked, and that was just at the thought that I was losing my husband.
I know we all react differently, and I know that we all have different types of marriages/relationships etc, but to openly say that he is essentially waiting for Sarahs brain to shut down? It's cold.
Yes but you where not relying on your gofundme to finance your children's future hence you felt all the feels appropriately as most of us would. Love your honesty ❤️
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I guess the family have been relying on donations to get by? Sarah asked for donations in this video here. I wonder if thats why Josh is putting so many videos out? Have they become reliant on subscribers?

um we do have a GoFundMe and the goal is
if between
um the GoFundMe and um and things that I
am able to bring in about fifteen
hundred dollars extra a month that I
should be able to especially as things
progress and that's the direction it's
looking like it that I'm gonna need to
stop working
um that if we could bring in about 1500
a month through the GoFundMe and you
know potentially through like disability
and things at work
um then I could take a step back from
work and go on some leave so that we can
really focus on getting me better
um so the link for our GoFundMe is in
the description below there's over 5 000
people who are subscribed to this
Channel and actually a lot of people who
watch who aren't subscribed and I know
what the GoFundMe you can do only a
minimum of a five dollar donation but if
only what like a fifth of everyone who's
subscribed donated that would still be
well over the amount we would need to
kind of make it through financially
month to month so if you're able to that
would be amazing
um there are usually questions well like
GoFundMe takes so much away it actually
doesn't take that much away but if you
are more comfortable donating in a
different way I have cash app and venmo

In one of Sarah’s videos she asked the viewers to check out Paul in Perth’s Vlog.

I watched his Vlog more than a few times based on a suggestion from a TL er on here or Jenny’s thread. The TLer mentioned him because Paul in Perth does a great job explaining all things medical. I can confirm he does.

Yes, someone explain who Amelia is?
In one of Sarah’s videos she asked the viewers to check out Paul in Perth’s Vlog.

I watched his Vlog more than a few times based on a suggestion from a TL er on here or Jenny’s thread. The TLer mentioned him because Paul in Perth does a great job explaining all things medical. I can confirm he does.

Yes, someone explain who Amelia is?
Amelia is not their biological daughter. She is as Sarah explained once their heart daughter. I don't know if they legally adopted her or she has just been living with them for many years. I think she is about 20 years old.
He claims that she's been wanting to make a video, but has she really had time to think about that when she's barely been cognizant for a week now? He said in yesterday's video that just one "good" conversation pretty much wipes her out for the rest of the day. I would think that the few moments she's lucid she would be thinking about her kids or something other than Youtube.
Just odd that I do not see the genuine-ness that everyone speaks of. I can not in a million years imagine filming my spouse like that and smiling and calling it amazing and putting it out there for the world because "a few" asked to see her?? attached to merch links and all the other stuff. To each their own I suppose, I wish her peace.
He claims that she's been wanting to make a video, but has she really had time to think about that when she's barely been cognizant for a week now? He said in yesterday's video that just one "good" conversation pretty much wipes her out for the rest of the day. I would think that the few moments she's lucid she would be thinking about her kids or something other than Youtube.
Does Sarah really look like she's been asking to make a video?
Just odd that I do not see the genuine-ness that everyone speaks of. I can not in a million years imagine filming my spouse like that and smiling and calling it amazing and putting it out there for the world because "a few" asked to see her?? attached to merch links and all the other stuff. To each their own I suppose, I wish her peace.

I have to say that I have become torn on watching. I already regret watching that last video of Sarah, it was worse than I was expecting. :( I really cannot understand why any of her followers would want to see Sarah in that state. Maybe some people see end of life, no matter the situation, a part of life and ok to share? I personally am not on that page, but maybe it's a case of to each their own, as you said. I just know the whole thing is making me uneasy.
I find it hard to believe. I think the most likely scenario is that he's been repeatedly asking her if she wants to make one.
A few years ago a fundie family YouTube mother from Wyoming died from cancer. She never went to the doctor until the last month or so. She had 9 kids and pregnant with another. She ended up in the ER and then being flown to a hospital in Denver where she lost the baby and was told she had maybe days to live. Her husband filmed her being transported for a flight home to die. In the hallway of the hospital and even being loaded into the ambulance he kept saying do you want to say some to your YouTube friends? She was moaning in pain.

When she got back to Wyoming she was too sick to even get home so they gave her more pain meds and she went she went to a hospice where she died a few hours later surrounded by her children and family. He filmed the whole thing including her dead body.

He had kept her YouTube channel and he's still an asshole.
Josh needs to just stop. It’s now becoming obscene.

Yesterday’s video talking about what he will film for the channel after Sarah dies disgusted me. So inappropriate.

Today’s video of poor Sarah struggling to say a sentence sickened me. I hope she didn’t have to keep doing that to get a good ‘take’.

Give Sarah some dignity for goodness sake!