Sarah & Josh (POG family)

The older daughter is a foster daughter that he and Sarah continued to raise even after they didn’t legally have to (once they’re 18, they’re basically on their own legally).

They sure are going through a lot of changes. I can’t help but feel like the decision to move is another way of trying to put Sarah behind him. He probably feels like he can’t start a new life with the woman he’s with now in a place that was so associated with Sarah.
Josh posted a new video. The children are doing well. The bigger news is that he and his girlfriend have moved in together. She is a widow with 3 children so they have a large blended family now. Sarah and her late husband are mentioned often which is good for the children. He said they thought the kids might have a difficult time but it's actually been other family members. I wonder what Sarah's sister is thinking.

Comments are mostly positive but some saying that men seem to move on much faster than women after losing a spouse. Kyle Appleford was mentioned as a husband who is not ready to move on yet.
Comments are mostly positive but some saying that men seem to move on much faster than women after losing a spouse. Kyle Appleford was mentioned as a husband who is not ready to move on yet.

Yep. I’m trying not to be judgmental but it’s hard because I called it even before Sarah passed. As soon as I heard Josh talking about how he didn’t realize how much stuff Sarah did around the house and just in general, I knew he’d be the type to go and find himself a new wife immediately. It’s so typical and I can’t help but find it pathetic.