Real Life Crime & Murder #27

He was granted permanent residency in 2016, so no need to lie any more to seek asylum. It does look like he has been posting extremist views on his X account.

Terrorists lie for all sorts of reasons - they don’t begin telling the truth once they get asylum. If they did - they would be unable to remain in the country that they plan to carry out terrorism in etc.
He already had asylum for many years. He was a big fan of Alex Jones and Infowars. It’s a right wing false flag operation to cause even more grief. I’ve even seen them call out the Mail and the right wing think tank RAIR he did an interview with 5 days ago as woke, leftie propaganda 🙄

A Saudi Arabian man carries out a false flag right wing terrorist attack???
What is it you think he's lying about? (Thread here, so we don't take over this one

I cannot say - but probably most things. It’s how criminals generally hide in plain sight, by lying.
Boy of 3 from Nottingham left in conservatory with only pet rabbit and lizard for company and pet food to eat why oh why ??😢😢😢
I came here to see what people are saying about this. It reads like it started out as some sort of pre or postpartum depression from the mother- cryptic pregnancy, premature baby, didn’t bond at birth. But the child was a toddler by this point, and there were TWO parents so even if the mother was struggling wtf was the father doing in all this? From what I’ve read the family court had decided to return him to their “care” before they were sentenced to prison as well. Unbelievable stuff!
But what did he want to achieve by killing people in a Christmas market?! Prove a point to the government? I just don’t get it
To get revenge, slaughtering Germans would be in his words “ a path to justice”
Boy of 3 from Nottingham left in conservatory with only pet rabbit and lizard for company and pet food to eat why oh why ??😢😢😢
What the actual duck is wrong with people! Don’t have children! They don’t ask to be born do they. Such evil bastards in this world.

Social services failed this child again! They gave him back to the parents. They wonder why they get so much bad reputation.
There is a compensation scheme for wrongful convictions, but it is apparently very slow. There's been quite a few articles about the difficulties Andrew Malkinson has had in receiving it.

As you say, I'm not sure anything could replace those lost years
Well one of them is staying in prison to serve other sentences so I don't feel too sorry for them
They were told 3 times!!! 3!! If this is true then why did they not stop him!
So there is confirmation of the explosive device in the hire car? On the person of the doctor?
The reports I saw (e.g. CNN, BBC) said that in the immediate aftermath of the attack, once they’d apprehended the suspect, the area around the car itself was cordoned off while they investigated the possibility of an explosive device in the car - but they didn’t find one. So that suggests to me that it was a routine precautionary measure.
Wtf is wrong with people that they have to take their murderous grievances out on others?! This guy could have just set fire to himself in public if he wanted to raise awareness of whatever was bothering him. Same with family annihilators or murdering exes, just off yourself and do everyone a favour.
Same with that Chinese guy who poured BOILING COFFEE over a tiny baby in Australia! Apparently he was protesting against society - in China. Bastard.