This is very hard to follow, as there are so many players, but it was an "honour" killing. It sounds like she had a nice relationship with her uncle Dawood though, which gladdens my heart a little.
An uncle accused of murdering his niece has admitted to dumping her body and trying to burn her phone.
I will never forget the judge's powerful words, which still make me cry every time I read them, to the parents of Shafalia Ahmed. He summed it up brilliantly.
"You chose to bring up your family in Warrington but, although you lived in Warrington, your social and cultural attitudes were those of rural Pakistan and it was those which you imposed upon your children."
Shafilea was a determined, able and ambitious girl who wanted to live a life which was normal in the country and in the town in which you had chosen to live and bring up your children. However, you could not tolerate the life that Shafilea wanted to live. You wanted your family to live in Pakistan in Warrington. Although she went to local schools, you objected to her socialising with girls from what has been referred to as “the white community”. You objected to her wearing western clothes and you objected to her having contact with boys.
She was being squeezed between two cultures, the culture and way of life that she saw around her and wanted to embrace and the culture and way of life you wanted to impose upon her. A desire that she understood and appreciated the cultural heritage from which she came is perfectly understandable but an expectation that she live in a sealed cultural environment separate from the culture of the country in which she lived was unrealistic, destructive and cruel."
And it is that 'squeeze' that we see time and time again in these cases. And not to forgot all the "honour" violence that goes on that doesn't end up in a court.
There is a very large Asian population where I live in the East London and I do genuinely like and appreciate the multiculturalism here. But it is truly, truly abhorrent what some of these girls have to go through in the name of "religion".