Pregnancy Off Topic #5 “Are men ok??”

Here we go, evidence 😅🤣
Just been in for my routine CTG. Been feeling really crampy since waking up and CTG was showing a lot of regular contractions so they wanted to check on me. I’m not dilated yet but could be the start of things so I’ve been told to go home and rest and call back if they become more intense 😬😬😬😬
Hahahahaha we had a few similar ones, mostly because of him being fully smushed against the placenta 😂😂
Just been in for my routine CTG. Been feeling really crampy since waking up and CTG was showing a lot of regular contractions so they wanted to check on me. I’m not dilated yet but could be the start of things so I’ve been told to go home and rest and call back if they become more intense 😬😬😬😬

Hahahahaha we had a few similar ones, mostly because of him being fully smushed against the placenta 😂😂View attachment 3136963 qView attachment 3136964 q

I’m really starting to feel like Rachel in that episode of Friends where every person who comes in after her gives birth before her 😭
Baby slept last night 11-9 😱 only head here didn’t get to sleep until gone 2 and oldest had me up to bring them into our bed. Swaddle is on again tonight 🤞🏼
Though they had a bit of biley reflux today, I wonder if it was because they didn’t feed all night. HV said call 111 but last few times I’ve tried that it’s taken about 10hrs for a call back so I waited it out and they didn’t get any more. Mental that you can’t get decent advice for babies any sooner. Anyway, they’re fine now so maybe it’s so paranoid mums don’t swamp them 🙈


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Baby slept last night 11-9 😱 only head here didn’t get to sleep until gone 2 and oldest had me up to bring them into our bed. Swaddle is on again tonight 🤞🏼
Though they had a bit of biley reflux today, I wonder if it was because they didn’t feed all night. HV said call 111 but last few times I’ve tried that it’s taken about 10hrs for a call back so I waited it out and they didn’t get any more. Mental that you can’t get decent advice for babies any sooner. Anyway, they’re fine now so maybe it’s so paranoid mums don’t swamp them 🙈

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(Photo will disappear in a day)

That picture is amazing!! I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a clear scan.

Hope you get a good stint of sleep tonight. We’re still living the feeding every 1.5-2hours through the night. I’m hoping one day soon he’ll give me a longer stint 🤞🏻
Baby was really unsettled all evening and it took us hours to get him to sleep. He’s now been asleep 5 hours straight and instead of getting sleep myself I’ve just been scrolling for ages and constantly checking on him worrying that he’s not woken up yet. I’ll be moaning tomorrow that I’m tired 😂
So, our 39 week appt today turned into being monitored for reduced movements, a growth scan (which came back fine) and being booked in for an induction on Friday 😂. It turns out if you even mention reduced movements, they offer one after 39 weeks as standard.

It’s been so hard to know how reduced they’ve been because he hasn’t had any sort of pattern for a while, but I definitely feel less than before the last few days so he’s better out than in… so I’d like to think we’ll have Baby Laugh out by the start of next week!

As prep it turns out there was actually a “One Born Every Minute” sort of show about my hospital a few years ago AND one of the eps is about someone going in for an induction, so as someone who basically learned what an induction even is today… I’ll be watching that as prep 😂 in between stress cleaning and fussing tomorrow
We’re having the worst night with baby Melon after her vaccines 😞 She’s got a temp and she’s cried nearly all night long. She’s just nailed a 200ml bottle and fell asleep on me. I’m terrified to put her down in case she cries but I need the toilet 😅

Poor baby melon 😩 I’m dreading vaccine time, we’ve got our first lot in a couple of weeks. Hope you get her down and get to wee 😂

Is there a coming up to 6 week growth spurt? Baby b is feeding for longer and being fussier at night when previously he’d feed fairly quickly before going back to sleep again.