Any advice from anyone that’s maybe been in the same situation, I had my first child during lockdown and had covid at the time was really poorly, causing me to have an emergency section. I never laboured, so do not know anything
. Fast forward to now I’m pregnant again and don’t have a clue what to do, I’m terrified of birth full stop and the unknown, I’m one of them people that like to plan everything to the point and know what’s coming. I also know the recovery of a section with a toddler might be hell.
I’ve gone to all the VBAC birth meetings and still anit any wiser. Any advice from anyone that’s gone through something similar?
*sorry I realise this doesn’t make much sense*
I haven’t yet been in your situation but I had an emergency caesarean first time round and am already debating what I’ll do next time even though my baby is only 5.5 months old
However I did labour, which I didn’t find bad at all. I can’t comment on what comes after that, as I pushed for 2 hours, and no baby came hence the caesarean, but he was back to back so it was painful (I understand it would likely have been less painful had he been in the correct position!).
I am also a planner, so I found the thought of spontaneous labour quite daunting, but it wasn’t bad at all, I kind of enjoyed the excitement, but appreciate I didn’t have another little one at home to think about/worry about/plan for… But I did hate the fact I had no control, and although not all will end in an EMCS, it is a fairly high possibility, and I think a higher possibility if you’ve already had one previously (? Don’t quote me on that!)
Anyway, having laboured to the point of pushing and having had the EMCS, I thiiiiink next time I’ll be going for an elective. To be able to be more prepared in myself e.g some rest beforehand, (not 17 hours of labour
), to be able to plan for my first born, to have some element of control and be aware more mentally of what is happening to me and around me. If I could guarantee that a VBAC would go smoothly then I’d go for it, but ‘the only way to guarantee you won’t end with EMCS is to have an ELCS’ - which when I read actually made me sad haha. Sorry for the ramble, I don’t know if any of that will help you at all, but I have given it a lot of thought.. almost daily since he was born
I guess it depends on your first experience too, I never found the EMCS that bad, but I appreciate some people would do anything to avoid it! X