Chatty Member
Yeah I’ve seen posts previously where the commenting was turned off to do with bobbling. It used to make me laugh when people posted about the de-bobblers and using that constantly
So glad to see this thread. The whole Popsy thing is bizarre, the group has some very odd characters in it and I think some people who probably very lovely and post constantly, Woe betide anyone who dares to say anything even vaguely negative,
I guessed you meant lonely and I do agree, there a posts where people post about their marriage difficulties etc. I guess it does have that “family,” feel for them, but it has 42K members that they are telling about these really personal things.Urgh having to quote myself because I meant lonely not lovely!
They've just got an app and you'd think apps had never been invented before. At one point someone effusively thanks Team Popsy for the exciting feature of being able to see every order you've ever made!
On another, note, just noticed a very well known member who had a dress named after them has gone. Any ideas why??
Left the group - too many middle aged balding men looking for validation
I don’t know but I see her in my Carolina Dress Room group all the time
There’s a very weird and specific cult of women on Facebook, they wear Popsy dresses, Snag Tights, Irregular Choice shoes and Molke bras. And they post their “OOTD” pictures across all the groups just a bunch of oh so quirky, attention starved people looking for likes and love hearts.