VIP Member
i dont get other peoples obsession about how you are feeding your baby !
i had the checkout woman at Asda ask me are you breastfeeding? when i went in with my few week old has it got to do with you whether i was or wasnt!
I hate this, it’s nobody’s business how you feed your baby, I feel sometimes people just want an excuse to judge or interject with their own opinions. When I had my Son he refused to latch at all, for weeks I tried in vain to breastfeed trying every single position I could think of every single feed my son was screaming because he was hungry, I would he crying throughout feeling like a failure, I switched him to formula - he was happy I was happy (even though I still developed PND) but I will never forget the judgmental witch of a health visitor bluntly telling me amidst me trying and failing to breastfeed him, that her Daughter breastfed, and if she could do it, everyone could, there were no excuses and I wasn’t trying hard enough! Thankfully I never saw her again, but her words still stuck with me and she fully succeeded in making me feel like a terrible mother.
Jesus christ woman. Just stop feeding Queen R
This is just awful to read, as a mum part of me does feel for her, but the other part doesn’t as she’s created the situation she’s in, she was very naive about Ember coming along and everything being fine, and she’s still projecting this on Instagram - she needs to be honest! I cannot believe that her child is hitting her because she’s not getting her own way, but this is down to the lack of boundaries in that house and Ravens sheer jealousy of Ember - that’s the reason she’s wanting boob. She needs to ask Dean to step in and take Raven and do something with her whilst Ember is being fed, let the little brat kick off, she needs to learn the whole world doesn’t revolve around her, when she kicks off tell her it’s not acceptable for her to behave that way, and tell her she can’t have what she wants, she will learn that hitting and being a little tit will not get her anywhere. That kid needs to stop being prioritised over Ember and Pea as I can seriously see her MH suffering because of this, it’s obviously happening already.
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