Thank you, you're so kind on this thread! It's basically CBT, medication
(which made me suicidal when I tried it in my 20s) or nothing on the NHS here. I work in an area that often sees MH patients in crisis come through our ward and the support is non-existent. It's awful really. We're also trying to get life insurance atm and they keep asking questions about my MH and because I've had CBT in the last 4 years with the PND they're talking about it being more expensive etc. All just added stress.
I had a meeting with my manager the other day as well about how I'm getting on in the new team, there's been some tensions between me and junior staff and they've gone ahead and complained to her despite them largely instigating it all. Just all keeps going back to how my life before LittleWC was easy and I was so much fitter and happier in myself, in a career that I enjoyed and I had chosen, I could go out when I wanted, gym when I wanted, date nights with OH when we wanted, my annual leave was for holidays and fun things... We've both got some time off together next week when LO is in nursery for my OHs birthday but if he still has an upset stomach we'll have to cancel that (he hasn't pooped yet today though so fingers crossed we're over that) and it'll be another wasted annual leave day.
My work doesn't do that, we get 1 day a year as emergency carers leave which I've already used when we had to take him to A+E about 6 weeks back and then rest either has to be annual leave, unpaid only if you've used up all your annual leave!