The joke I tell to bug my wife is, "Man, you can really imagine what it must be like to just toss her down onto a bed, can't you? The way her hair fans out...the little giggles..."
Like someone else said, Mammoth Club is all the same stuff on repeat. Here's the problem as I see it: the Molly we know is a short version of Molly. Yeah, we've seen her dog, she hates Ursula, hates hot dogs, we know all that surface level stuff; but she was never like an actual personable vlogger who could just take us on her unscripted journeys and casually shoot the breeze and just be real. That's why she's tethered to Park content, because that's all this YouTube star "Molly" knows to do. Any deviation from this formula risks pulling back the curtains a bit more, and she can't have that, because I think the ultimate truth of this lady is that she's a jerk.