They all do this, but boy am I sick of the shocked face hand over mouth YT thumbnail. It’s click-bait adjacent in my mind.
They all do this, but boy am I sick of the shocked face hand over mouth YT thumbnail. It’s click-bait adjacent in my mind.
I'm also tired of the auxiliary "do" and "have" verbs streamers add when trying to add emphasis. Using it very sparingly is fine, say if there's something of such importance you need to stress it. ("I HAVE read that it is unsafe to walk a monorail beam.")They all do this, but boy am I sick of the shocked face hand over mouth YT thumbnail. It’s click-bait adjacent in my mind.
That or the shushing thumbnail on any "Secrets" videos.
I'm also tired of the auxiliary "do" and "have" verbs streamers add when trying to add emphasis. Using it very sparingly is fine, say if there's something of such importance you need to stress it. ("I HAVE read that it is unsafe to walk a monorail beam.")
More examples:
I DO believe ... "I believe..." is proper.
I DO want to stress... "I want to stress..." sounds more concerned and less full of one's self.
I DO really love.... "I really love..." comes across as more real and softer.
I equate this poor form of grammar with the college drop out PCDev who used it constantly, and now they're all using the same, Molly included.
Drop the "Do" in the dog waste bag and be done with it.
I have not heard that one yet and am cringing already.The one that irks me anymore is using "a" in front of a vowel. "A apple", "a egg", etc. This just started in the last year and is widespread now.
Playing with the sound, it would sound more acceptable if they use "A" with the short "uh" sound verses the long "A". Still wrong.
I don't know that I'd call it "blind love." Having been to both DL and WDW 3-4 times each, I prefer DL. It's much more ride dense, smaller and easier to navigate, Fantasyland is far and away better at DL, and just about every ride that's in both places is better at DL (Pirates, Small World, Indiana Jones vs. Dinosaur). But WDW does have better theming, more non-ride entertainment, and better food. So which one is better depends on what you prefer. I like DL better, my spouse likes WDW better.I might get flack for this but one thing I find really annoying about their channel is the blind love for Disneyland. I know it’s the original, but that doesn’t make it much better than WDW. (Walt himself built WDW because he thought Disneyland wasn’t immersive enough). I find every video of Disneyland to be so mediocre - but maybe that’s just me
Yeah I mean I’m not saying DL is better or worse - I think there’s good and bad to both. It’s more like I feel like in videos they will claim DL better no matter what, almost like it’s trendy to . I’ve noticed they really won’t criticize DL at all.
I watched the best and the worst video at DCA and don’t get how it was the worst? From what I could see they just picked their favourites and had a nice day hanging out instead of running around. The title was kind of click-baity. I was hoping to see a Molly-rides-almost-everything type of video from California but I guess we won’t be getting it from this trip.
I'm starting to see a lot of posts pushing their merch...who the hell wears blogger branded clothes?
Splitting it equally is hard to believe, especially when Max is phoning in the trivia by copying questions from other creators. The last time I attended trivia, the numbers were way down compared to when Molly co-hosts.Also very curious to know (although completely none of my business) how they split the money. I assume they’re all equal co-owners but you wouldn’t even know Max is involved if you only watched the videos and not the streams/podcast. I don’t know how many people watch the streams live but they only get a couple of thousand views posted on YouTube, so I assume not really that many? I imagine that’s caused a bit of friction. Max is either hugely overpaid, or he’s seeing all that Patreon cash go to M&A’s bank.
It seems from what folks here are saying that he doesn't really want to do this. It seems like he's the person you know who's always around and you feel like you have to include them in everything.
I still don't understand why they couldn't be bothered to set up their own Twitch account if that's the route they were going for lives.