I remember watching her "what I got for my 22nd birthday" video and she seemed super dismissive of her parents presents "ah they just got me some gymshark and bed sheets" then she said "it's not like I'm ungrateful I've just packed it all away and can't be bothered to get it out again" yet was completely fine with bragging and showing off all the designer tat the friends she's had for 5 minutes bought her.This! Frustrated me so much, she has the ability to work from home, her mum can’t work 7 days a week 12 hours a day, there’s plenty of time to see your own family wtf, she’s going to regret not seeing them later in life
Just really rubbed me the wrong way how materialistic she is and from that small clip, how little she cares about true meaningful relationships with family members who probably really thought about presents she would like. Instead, preferring shallow people like herself who just blindly click on farfetch who only care about the clout she brings. Sorry a bit off topic but the mention of her mum reminded me of that