I hope Cheryl got what she was owed in the divorce. That nonsense about how he loved her, wanted to be married and hated being gay. No he used her as at that time out gay men were at best discriminated against and at worst were physically harmed. He would not got his foot in the door at itv if he was out.
Also, I don’t think loads of people thought MB was funny, it was the 80’s and early 90’s he was popular. Only four channels and often we just picked the program that looked less rubbish-wouldn’t turn it off though haha! I often wonder if we had the choice/internet we have now would the same men be as rich and popular. They did not have much competition. I also assume that the channels just kept the same rotation on as it is easier than finding new talent.
How lame he is now going on about his sad past on Tiltok. Laughable, and not in a funny way just really embarrassing.