Phoenix Lazarus
VIP Member
I wonder if some stuff's going to come out when he dies, either on Lubbock or more generally.
Someone who got something to hide! as far as I’m concerned if he didn’t do it and one of the others did he is complicit in a cover up which under the circumstances that is just as bad Barrymore what happened to the pool thermometer?Who gives an interview with their solicitor sat at side of them
He was a blue peter presenter caught doing a class a drug, I’m pretty sure that would happen now.... not just for a children’s presenter but anyone in a high profile role at the BBC. They are paid a lot of money to entertain, provide information, be a reliable face on tv.
It’s not about doing it, ‘everyone’s at it’ in the worlds of lily Allen -it’s about being caught doing it. If you aren’t sacked you have to resign. But lots of people make a comeback in 6 months, remember Kate Moss being dropped from H&M and a bunch of other campaigns when photos of her doing lines were published ? As if anyone was shocked, but the brands had no choice. She went to a rich person ‘rehab’ ie spa and 6 months later was making more money than ever.
It says on Wikipedia that the news of the world reported he had taken coke so sounds like he had no choice at that point.I don't think he was even caught if my memory serves me correctly...I think he just admitted to taking it! It was a huge scandal, like he'd admitted to punching a baby or something lol. There was even a Queen's Speech-like on-air apology on his behalf.
All I was saying is that it's difficult in retrospect to see how frowned upon it was when Michael Barrymore came out as gay, especially in the manner that he did. Things weren't quite the same for him after that. The murder was the nail in the coffin of a declining career.
'He’s definetely had moments of being unhinged and fame didn’t help that at all.'
I don’t doubt it. You don’t have to persuade me he’s a nasty piece of work. I put it like that because I was trying to be diplomatic on the grounds I don’t know loads about him.That's a bit like saying Hitler had moments of being evil.
I can say this because it was in cheryls book, she said that at dinner parties he would put coke in the gravy.
Who did?
This wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest and that’s sad.I can say this because it was in cheryls book, she said that at dinner parties he would put coke in the gravy.
no you haven't got the wrong end of the stick, Cheryl said it was put into the gravy jug when there were dinner guests, so I guess everyone Is using the jug and is unaware of it. yes it is a strange prank and a dangerous one too.And a waste of coke... with a good amount that’s only going to numb someone’s mouth, you can’t get high. Im sure any coke head worth his sauce would know that, so maybe he wasn’t doing it to spike people but as some kind of bizarre prank or something like that ? Really odd, and a bit disturbing. I loathe people who give others drugs without their knowledge, (even if it won’t make them high). It’s the actions of a scumbag and never ever funny.
EDIT. - hold on have I got the wrong end of the stick? The coke was for him ? Still a huge waste then
Victimhood is part of being narcissistic, and believing that they are always right. When I say 'damaged', I'm not saying that should mean we're sympathetic towards him, just that somewhere along the line he either didn't develop normally, or something went wrong later (whether that's because of the fame, drink, drugs) that means he has not reacted as others would.I think that’s all very plausible but disagree slightly with the last point about Barrymore’s psyche. I think he has quite a typical personality trait taken to the extreme -victimhood, tarnished by celebrity. One of those people who is never in the wrong, yet constantly wronged. fame and attention adds a more unusual element which is potentially quite dangerous - things do not end well for famous people who let their ego run away with them and feel untouchable. Probably creates a disconnection between him and ordinary people and made him lack empathy as you say above.
The thing about people who are never at fault, they believe a lot of it themselves. I think the reason MB has been able to go on tv multiple times to talk about this is he has convinced himself he did nothing wrong. Yes perhaps he is technically “guilty” or an “accessory” but what happened is not.his.fault. He has to keep any information he knows quiet because the police and media are out to pin it on him. It’s not really a lie to say he knows nothing about what happened that night because none of it was his fault so why should he be blamed for it by speaking out ? All that sort of tit.
Well I guess they tried that when they arrested all three of them but none of them did. Michael Barrymore scarpering before the police even got there is very telling, with 'something' under his arm.Surely all a decent investigating team needs to do is interrogate all of them individually and one will crack?