I don’t understand her sudden compassion for ‘95 year olds living their last days alone’ and how it fits into her argument. Surely, they are part of the group that should be shielded, and therefore would spend a lot of time alone in her proposed scenario and also be at increased risk because they would be more likely to come into contact with someone that is COVID positive.
Also, that about people who have a vulnerable family member. Will their entire family have to shield? But what if their workplace puts heavy pressure on them to come into the work place, taking public transport to get there? Will they be offered the same protections and understanding they are now? For most cases, the answer to this will be no. They will be at a disadvantage in their workplace and their job could be at risk (for god knows how long, if there aren’t going to be lockdowns and COVID run rampant amongst the general public). Or what if they work in construction, or another manual labour job that would require them to be out in public. Can they just not continue their business because they are at a higher risk of contracting COVID since there aren’t lockdowns? I don’t think the approach of ‘shielding only the vulnerable’ would solve the problems she thinks it will, or provide the boost to the economy she expects. Nothing about this is ideal, but she needs to stop pretending there is a simple solution to this that only she and a handle of deluded ‘activists’ on Twitter can see.
Governments aren’t perfect, the world isn’t perfect, but no one knew what the f*ck to do when COVID hit and it really irritates me when people just complain, complain, complain while also not offering up solutions. It is such a drag, and, guess what, complaining on Twitter is not activism and does absolutely nothing to help anybody!
I say this as someone whose 95 year old granny died of COVID early last year and who still sees her Mum struggle with the guilt of the decision not to go and be with her anyway. It’s something that my Mum will have to carry with her for the rest of her life, as well as the rest of my family members (a few of whom could not come home because they live aboard). Our family in general has not suffered the most compared to others, but it was a truly horrible time for us and will be something that stays with us forever. Melanie and Baldie’s faux compassion about people dying alone and not getting home to see their families means absolutely jack tit to me, it is so apparent that they only care about themselves and their dream house in Skerries.
She needs to take a step back and focus on herself and her family, because she is not in a position (mentally, financially or otherwise) to be offering anyone sympathy or advice about anything. I do hope she faces some real consequences for this and loses sponsorships, because it makes me so incredibly angry that someone can make a living being this ignorant.