Exactly and not only ONE country !!
they’ve had a trip away so they hardly need another one so soon. It’s just irresponsible and selfish.
AND all for the gram !
Maybe they tried to shoot the ITS Shite it in the Amalfi but it melted ☀☀
She’s Fukkin irritating me spouting off with her travel advice too like she’s some Government Travel Minister !!
Probably looking for Fukkin travel Collabs now !!!
plus I think she’s asking the questions to herself.
Same Ol questions.
She must have lost some followers/ interest on
IG cos she’s playing the Team Luxe Love card again again !!!
To brainwash her gold digger minions that life is better with a mahogany sugar daddy !!
living during this pandemic hasn’t taught her a bloody thing .. She’s still vile