VIP Member
Oh we’ve still got the delights of the Daily present lead up to her birthday present to come ... FFS !!Yes he said “ did you want one of your presents”
Such scripted shite. Crack on & advertise your gluttony and greed some more..it’s so appealing...
I can’t help but wonder what point she thinks she’s proving. I feel sure that on top of the very obvious daddy issues she was bullied at school. Which is sad.. because this is the outcome. Underneath is a deeply unhappy person particularly with her face and her body.. id say her needs were not met as a child... and the only thing that temporarily fixes her and makes her smile is stuff. Materialistic stuff fills that void....until that hit wears off and she needs more stuff...
Why does a grown adult need such a thing and why feel the need to
Fits in perfectly with what you’ve just said about her !!
sad thing is she doesn’t care about the stuff, she has no regard for the stuff, it’s easily replaced if lost or spoiled ..
it’s all just a trophy to flash at her minions
Vile person