So, Lizzy has recently commented that she dreams of living in north london and has been eyeballing properties on Rightmove but forgetting to play the lottery. Surely she could have got a flat in a nicer area, have better upkeep flat wise and still do her 101 trips to NY?
Maybe instead of "forgetting to play the lottery", she should get an actual job and earn some money to buy a property in Hampstead.
It's just an overpriced "girls trip" with a side of surf instruction, skateboard instruction, and what looks like a lot of shopping. I also think it's a little gauche to have a photographer around all the time. I certainly wouldn't want to be photographed for a week by some skeezy man I don't know. Like what is the point of these retreats other than more holidaying for Lindsey, getting weird "professional" content for her own socials, and taking advantage of these women's desire for being a part of the "cool group" and belonging?
Lindsey has basically created a business that provides her the financial backing of others (attendees who pay) to live the life she wants - "surf", travel and do absolutely nothing else.