I never usually comment on these threads as they move quicker than the Hinch ones but, my two cents on tonight’s episode.
I was less disappointed when I walked in on my husband shagging the neighbour from 3 doors down.
seriously though, I thought that episode was embarrassing. I don’t think at this point even Jed knows what the duck is going on.
Buckells being H is just a pure eye roll. LOD will end up being like the walking dead - people are gonna duck it clean off if they don’t start getting some serious answers.
I just don’t understand how the main cast and even previous members were absolutely pissing their knickers about how ‘explosive’ it was going to be. Did they watch the same episode I did?
We need a series 7 and for it to finish good and proper and for us to see justice. I get those that are saying they like this ‘ending’ because is was true to life in that police corruption will never be proved/Justice served, but not everything has to be so on par with true life.
I watch TV for the story, so I want it to be an ending that is deserved - one that will likely never happen with true life policing.
Anyway, I’m off to eat a twix in bed and seethe about this!