Lily Allen #3 Miss me? With Miquita Oliver

Lily Allen savagely claims James Corden was a 'beg friend'
Funny the way that she worded it on the podcast it sounded like the ‘relationship’ they had was mutually beneficial and that now she’s clean he doesn’t need her anymore, then she sniffed. Wonder if she was supplying certain things for him or vice versa…
Who is their friend Emily, who was mentioned a few times in the latest episode?

I think she’s called Emily Ann Sonnet (probably a professional or made up name) and she is a “creative commissioner” according to her IG biography. She also describes herself as “day-to-day management and social media manager” to Lily Allen between 2006-2009 on LinkedIn.
Yes it’s her. I went to school with her and she was an absolute witch.
I think she’s called Emily Ann Sonnet (probably a professional or made up name) and she is a “creative commissioner” according to her IG biography. She also describes herself as “day-to-day management and social media manager” to Lily Allen between 2006-2009 on LinkedIn.
I went to a mixed comprehensive,your bog standard secondary in a large city. Why are so many of their friends and they themselves remembered as bitchy? Is it private school? Rich girl tit? I enjoy the pod, find it entertaining but increasingly find myself wondering if they have any normie friends who aren’t back stabbers (or who they back stabbed), frenemies, hangers on or worse.

Lily, as amusing as her anecdotes are, comes across as the bitchiest most insecure person who is constantly trying on “roles” to see if they fit and nothing about her rings true or authentic. Miquita sounds like an old druggie who hasn’t grown up and still relies on her mum to bail her out while she figures tit out.