More from last Sunday's radio show. GOB again singing the praises of Radio 4, it's the only thing she listens to y'know, she has it on constantly, she loves Niki Bedi and wishes Niki would cover for her on BBC RL when she's off. Take that Carrie Grant.
GOB was encouraged by a piece Niki did on R4, with "Dr Phil", about the health benefits of coffee. She played a clip later, the doctor was actually the well-known Dr Tim Spector.
Her interview (towards the end of the show) with the artistic director of Cirque du Soleil Rachel Lancaster was cringe in the extreme. GOB brusquely asked where Rachel was, saying she sounded like she was "at the bottom of the swimming pool". Funny that GOB doesn't mention the terrible quality audio that is a regular feature of Chewin' the Fat - but that's all her wacky mates as contributors so they presumably get a pass on her usual insistence on "in quality" sound.
Rachel calmly replied that she was in Atlanta, GOB shrieked "oh, that's why you sound shocked, were you expecting to do this interview?". Rachel did not at all sound shocked, and patiently replied that, yes, she was expecting the interview.
GOB says that most of the Cirque du Soleil performers come from a dance background, they are "amazing", with "no skeletons", and "mercurial", saying that most performers probably come from "Eastern Europe". Using her usual clunky interviewing tool, GOB asks "AM I RIGHT???". Rachel replies that they are, in fact, an international cast with 38 nationalities. Surely such a stat would have been included in the most basic of research material GOB might have been given.
GOB of course chimed in that she used to be an actress, explaining that in her day they only had to act and do a bit of a tap dance. Why would she need to bring a comparison between her stage-school self and such acrobatic athletes? She then spoke about when she was in a Tom Stoppard play and had to "swing topless on a trapeze in a pair of platform boots, very bizarre.." Truly, her narcissism does not allow her to conduct an interview without reverting the narrative to include herself in any way possible, it's a sickness.
It is this sort of arrogance, rudeness, ignorance and laziness that renders Jo Good undeserving of her BBC RL position, not her age, as she would claim.