I don’t think she’ll be able to wean from the oxygen. She could still develop a “trapped lung” which can no longer inflate. Not sure what meds she’s on now but have wondered if she’s on long acting morphine to help with the shortness of breath.
I remember the brain mets as well and wonder how that’s going. She developed those while still on Blu so no effective treatment for a while. They haven’t mentioned them so definitely think she’s quite medicated. Could be they’re deliberately avoiding the topic. Well, they’re definitely avoiding the topic. They’re not really generous with information. It’s gotta be on Jenny’s mind.
Amanda has come up on my feed and I’ve watched maybe a few minutes but I’m trying to refrain from further cancer videos unless they are older and the person is no longer posting, no matter how compelling.
Trigger warning for Kyle lovers. Don’t want you to be triggered by me for posting.
Comic relief for everyone else.
I think “flamboyant” is the word I’ve been searching for. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Unless they have the most expensive tier of annual passes, practically the whole summer would be blacked out for them. Maybe that’s why they’re mostly going to ticketed events. Which they would pay separately for but would be less crowded. If Jenny isn’t with him, on a regular park day, he’s going to have to wait in line instead of using disability perks. At this point, there aren’t going to be shortened wait times anyway, as Jenny can’t take oxygen on the rides, I don’t believe.
That outfit though!
And, I can’t help but notice his hard nipple as he stands back up from his little drama fest. Maybe it’s cold outside though.