It's fascinating how we can read or listen to the same info, yet come away with very different perspectives.
They've only just been given the terrible news, so, in that respect, were processing it in real time on camera. Jenny hadn't had a chance to cycle through the stages of death and dying. I see them having gone from receiving hopeful news at their last trial appointment, news better than they were stealing themselves for by Kyle's own words, to reeling with the worst possible news now. Kyle was tearful, Jenny was shocked and trying to figure out how to deal with precious last days.
I see Jenny trying to grasp at how to spend this time. She's asked for feedback as she has no idea what to do with this time of active dying. Is she to just sit around waiting to die? No, she's asked her viewers for ideas what she might want to do.
That seems reasonable to me.
I didn't find the Lives vile in any way or inappropriate to film. I found her to be lucid and very candid as she processes this news and struggles with it. I found her to be honest as her mind goes to messages and matters she thinks are important to discuss in what may be her last words. It's understandable that it isn't making absolute sense, but I can see how she is trying her best to touch on important matters.
I thought she meant how Kyle could now spend this year he's taken a leave from teaching, not the rest of his life being a youtuber. She's thinking he suddenly will not be looking after her during this year off teaching.
I can see her wanting to impress upon him that it's okay for him to find love again in the future.
I am not getting any sense of financial manipulation in the Lives. They have not mentioned or suggested people donate. Honestly, Jenny is quite direct, I don't give them credit to be using tricks and schemes to increase donations. Besides the ebike that she was honest enough to do as a separate video, she hasn't tried to subtlely stick affiliated links or ads into her videos.
I actually found her "I am dying" to be very characteristic of her signature blunt personality that we've seen so often. I found it refreshing as an indicator that she is competent as she clearly is trying to absorb the news and figure out how to spend her last days.
I am not sure, but the very different news could be attributed to different facilities or one being trial staff versus emergency room staff. In a trial, they are likely evaluating different health measures and filling in answers to a questionnaire they ask everyone. They already knew her prognosis, it's just different health outcomes being evaluated. I think this is a couple weeks difference which can certainly make a world of difference in a 3-6 month prognosis. Kyle seemed relieved the last appointment not to have received the news they are now hearing. I didn't find that inconsistent when dealing with such a shortened prognosis anyway; her health changed and different testing revealed different things as her breathing deteriorated.
I found both of their reactions of having just heard such devastating news to be very genuine and honest. I didn't hear any manipulations born of financial motives. If they were there, they were not obvious to me.
I felt terrible that the kids were recorded. If the adults were in shock, the kids could scarcely understand what the news actually meant. I too worry Jenny will catch something from Winnie's cough.
I am glad Mel arrived. What a good, selfless friend. It speaks to the bond these women share.
My heart went out to Kyle. He can no longer shield Jenny or himself in his typical cloak of optimism, they are now beginning the process of acceptance. It was easy to push it aside during the trial, but they can no longer escape the hard truth.
That's what I saw Jenny doing as she flailed from one topic to the next. I think Jenny's blunt honesty will help Kyle accept this reality too. They have a tightknit support group, I hope Jenny's sister and friend can help in this very difficult transition to acceptance.
A sad time for them. At least she wasn't being propped up half asleep being told to wave and shimmy.