I've come to realize I'm weird. I'm still one of the sheeple who likes Kyle and sympathizes with him. My main issue is filming the children. They can't really consent and it just feels wrong. But I know of people, especially on Instagram, who film their children going through cancer, even up till death! Recently a little girl was on her death bed and the camera was there, watching her with the oxygen mask on, knowing there was no hope.
But when an adult wants to document their illness, I'm ok with it, and often I feel like I've learned a lot from watching them. How to think about death, how to plan for my own, if that makes any sense. Or how to think about going through it with a loved one, should the time come, and it comes for many of us. And how to deal with other dire situations, which I've already had to do with my child.
I don't like watching Josh, never did. But Kyle's personality appeals to me. I've always felt the videos were started by Jenny and remained HER focus, and he just went along with it. That may or may not be true, but I find him to be a guy, coping with just about the worst situation you can find yourself in, with courage and compassion.
Doesn't mean I've got anything figured out - just that I find it a touching and compelling story, that I think I'm learning from (like Emily Hayward, and quite a few others). There's a Buddhist practice - contemplate death every day, to ground yourself, to give yourself perspective in this life and not get caught up in trivialities (and most things are). (just my humble opinion and I'm willing too admit I may be not only wrong but perhaps a bit deranged?) But I find watching this (and others like it) to be life-changing, maybe not in a "good" way but in a way that makes me feel less afraid and stronger.