Jacob Rees-Mogg

Yes. He's an absolute self serving bleep who was so pro Brexit because it makes him and his cronies richer. He is an abhorrence to humanity, I absolutely bleeping hate him. He's a bleep, did I already say that?
Correct. From what I’ve been told Brexit was all about Europe changing laws about keeping money offshore to avoid tax and that would have affected many in the government include Jacob!!
As it happens my late mother was Irish so I have dual nationality
I share your sentiment but can we please stop peddling the dangerous lie that the morning after pill is an abortificant. It can take up to 6 days after sex for sperm and egg to join and form a fertilised egg then 3-4 days to implant. No abortion takes place from taking the morning after pill, a woman is just preventing a pregnancy from starting.

On-topic, JRM is a self-serving millionaire weirdo, can you imagine anyone in any job thinking that it's OK to pretend to lie down and be asleep whilst they're at work? Carol in Sainsbury's would be sacked.

If we're going for weird biblical references can I just bung this in -
Do not wear clothes woven of two kinds of material - Leviticus

Here endeth Django's lesson for today 🙏
Here today's lesson DOTH NOT end. This has been discussed already on this thread and a decision was made to AGREE TO DIFFER. It is not your place to come on here and dictate to everyone what they are supposed to think. Please drop it.

Here endeth the second lesson.
Here today's lesson DOTH NOT end. This has been discussed already on this thread and a decision was made to AGREE TO DIFFER. It is not your place to come on here and dictate to everyone what they are supposed to think. Please drop it.

Here endeth the second lesson.
I don't give a shiny tit, but the dangerous message that the morning after pill is an abortificant needs to stop now.
It isn't your place to pick and chose which part of the Bible you like to attack women's rights BTW.
I don't give a shiny tit, but the dangerous message that the morning after pill is an abortificant needs to stop now.
It isn't your place to pick and chose which part of the Bible you like to attack women's rights BTW.
A mod edit was posted earlier in the thread (below)

Now please DROP IT!
I actually got some feedback from Jacob - it's not Anselm, it's Thomas, Alfred and Sixtus. Anyway, we shouldn't be attacking his children - Sixtus is only about 5 or 6 as far as I know.
Who’s attacking his children? I’m simply pointing out whoever it is is wearing girls shoes he does have a daughter doesn’t he!
I was questioning was it his daughter ,it's hard to tell who it is ,maybe he is wearing her cast offs ?
Oh she has a pair just like that
It's not his daughter in the original post, it's Sixtus his youngest. I suppose his shoes could be her cast-offs, but it's just not polite to ask such questions!
It's not his daughter in the original post, it's Sixtus his youngest. I suppose his shoes could be her cast-offs, but it's just not polite to ask such questions!
Are you for real :giggle: I'm not that invested in his kids to know who they are , I'm sure you're his wife...
Here you go, now we know nanny's name - it's Veronica, and she's in the middle of the picture in the turquoise jumper.

