Jacob Rees-Mogg

What about the rest of them? Like I said, if you don't even try to change things by writing to your MP in the first instance, you can't complain. If you had done that and received either no response or an unsatisfactory one, you'd have a point.

He doesn't control his kids like some Victorian father you know. I wouldn't have minded being his son, let me tell you!
Why would you want to go on holiday trussed up like a Second World War evacuee 👀
Not all take up the offer .
Well if they don't, what are they paid for?

Not if you're in Northern Ireland and have a Sinn Fein MP.
They have the choice, it's their decision to be disloyal to their Queen and country, yet still claim wages for doing nothing.

Why would you want to go on holiday trussed up like a Second World War evacuee 👀
I suppose it would have been better if they'd sought your dress advice first! 😂🤣😂🤣 Some people never learn, eh?
Well if they don't, what are they paid for?

They have the choice, it's their decision to be disloyal to their Queen and country, yet still claim wages for doing nothing.

I suppose it would have been better if they'd sought your dress advice first! 😂🤣😂🤣 Some people never learn, eh?
Common sense tells you to dress for the weather 🥵
Well if they don't, what are they paid for?

They have the choice, it's their decision to be disloyal to their Queen and country, yet still claim wages for doing nothing.

I suppose it would have been better if they'd sought your dress advice first! 😂🤣😂🤣 Some people never learn, eh?

Yes but there's little point in writing to your MP if you're a consitutent of that seat! That was the point of your original argument in response to the person who said their MP doesn't contribute to Westminster and you said every MP in the UK did.

I also had no idea that Jacob Rees-Mogg followed Britney Spears and Daniela Westbrook’s careers

Yes it's interesting who they deemed as ok to judge. Not adhering to that bible quote you said to me earlier in the thread, hm? Colombo razor sharp arguments I think not bab.
There's so much wrong and misleading info in that post, it would take me hours to comment on it all. However, it's all been discussed before on this thread, so if anyone wants to back-track they are free to do so.

Nope, ALL UK MPs.
Um I’d like you to tell me what I said that isn’t evidenced in the public sphere?

I assume your lack of come back is because you know this though.

Happy to break it down all the same if you want?

Unless you are suggesting he didn’t say things like ‘I don’t change nappies’ or he didn’t share a video from a Far right group? I mean, it’s all out there on the internet for you to look for yourself.
Well if they don't, what are they paid for?

They have the choice, it's their decision to be disloyal to their Queen and country, yet still claim wages for doing nothing.

I suppose it would have been better if they'd sought your dress advice first! 😂🤣😂🤣 Some people never learn, eh?
Same could be said for Jacob ,the Minister of nothing :rolleyes:
How do you know? It’s not common for a child to want to dress like their parents they much prefer to dress like their peers
How do I know? Because I do.

Yes but there's little point in writing to your MP if you're a consitutent of that seat!
If people purposely vote for an MP who has made it clear that he WON'T represent them in Parliament, what can anyone do?