I love peas, Especially sweet petit pois, cooked very briefly and served with butter and mint.
I love mushy peas too. With a fish supper, and plenty of salt and malt vinegar, there's nothing better.
I also like pease pudding; with a chunk of boiled ham alongside it, it's a classic working class meal from the north east and a great way to fill up on a cold day.
All of these dishes are different, with completely different ingredients. It takes about 2 minutes' googling to understand that mushy peas are not the same as boiled frozen peas. It's really incredible that guest is so lazy that she thinks she can mess with a Nigella recipe without doing any research or taste testing and so arrogant that she believes it's acceptable for the povs in terms of nutrition, taste and budget.
BTW, I also love a martini (gin, not vodka) but Jack's version of this dish has me imagining a sludgy green goop, both viscous and yet unyielding, served in a chipped glass found in a charity shop, with a pointless sprig of coriander and an olive floating on top. Nothing appealing about any of it.