Bless him, I acknowledge that he can’t help the way his face is made, no more than I can. Otherwise, I certainly would have picked a better one myself. I am unbelievably ugly and I would actually prefer his face to my own. True story.
On another note, we own one cook book. It is a JO one that my husband specifically asked for a couple of Christmases ago, as although I happily do almost all of the cooking, he wanted to expand his admittedly minuscule repertoire. In anticipation, he went and excitedly bought little copper measuring spoons, digital scales and other astonishing culinary accessories we’d mysteriously never needed until then.
He’s never used either the book nor the cookery trinkets once. It’s not so much a cookbook, I found, but more a “menu”. duck that. My best mate asked to borrow it and as far as I’m concerned, it’s hers.