Excuse Me Laydeh!
Active member
I couldn't agree more with this! I read her tweet and my instant reaction was why do you even need to say it in the first place? Jesus people have got to get it out of their heads that just because we think or feel something we don't have to put it out there for the entire world to see and comment. She of all people should know this given how many tweets she's just deleted! The amount hot water she's got herself into in the past is unbelievable.Why bother tweeting at all? Influencers and public figures need to realise that not everyone needs to hear their every single thought and take on every situation. Sometimes it's better to just say nothing at all. One can wish Boris well without having to tweet about it. It's that kind of thing that really makes me hate social media.
It's as though people have got into a mindset where by if they think something but don't verbalise it through social media, then the thought never really happened or occurred. I swear to god, nothing is sacred anymore where social media is concerned.
It's the most vapid thing ever to have been created and has done more harm than good! Perhaps people should be practicing 'social media distancing' at this moment in time rather than constantly spewing the contents of their brain onto a soulless app for the whole world to see.
My advise to Jack; Judging by the sheer amount of crap being on social media has caused in your life in recent years, simply come off it and give yourself a break! That way you won't have to scramble to delete any trace of your past comments which might affect your public persona. Just live your life and let others live theirs. Because ultimately nobody really cares anyway.