It's Em #17 A grifted P&O (Princess and Onslow) cruise

So Em has an under active thyroid. And seems to be attributing that to her weight gain and perimenopause symptoms. I'm sure we're going to hear a lot more about this! I have to chuckle at some of the comments. A lot of people telling her she's now entitled to free prescriptions - she'll love this! Another lady made several comments about all her ailments - hips, bones, ankles, false teeth, menopause, thyroid - she's got the lot! and the one that really tickled me was from someone called 'faystalker', saying 'glad you're feeling better like the door' - front door was obviously going through some stuff too! I'm a cow, I know.
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Jeez. Her and Chris are morbidly obese through over eating. There is no sugar coating it with the excuse of ‘slightly under active thyroid’ that a LOT of people have.
Thyroxine is probably one of the most prescribed medications in the UK.

And ‘hating’ her hair. It’s still blonde ??? The main problem is the damage ! And the fact she’ll get it bleached again in two weeks means it’ll continue to look tit.

She’s really starting to look like an ageing drag queen. I’ve seen characters like her at funny girls in Blackpool.
...Youtube's renowned racist Elle Darby-Swift has an underactive thyroid
I wonder why she isn't 22 stone ....... :unsure: :rolleyes:
Underactive thyroid does not make one morbidly obese. She is so uneducated.
She overstuffs herself and sits all day. Lack of movement/ exercise over the years did that big em. All of her old lady tent frocks just emphasize how fat she is.
Has no neck, just this exceptionally big head with no neck, sits on massive sumo wrestler shoulders. Her stringy long hair doesn't suit her big head situation.
She’s eating gluten free food now 🤦‍♀️! You only need gluten free if you’re coeliac 🙄. Anna Saccone Joly used to eat gluten free bread and pasta because she thought gluten was a fat - it’s a protein! To make a product gluten free it has to be heavily processed, removing good vitamins and minerals! Em, the reason you’re bloating/farting is the ungodly amount of eggs that you’re eating ! 💨
Em , the thyroxine is in micrograms not milligrams 🙄
Why is she acting like she’s been diagnosed with cancer ????? 🤔
The letterbox on the new door is on the floor ! If I was her post person, I’d be refusing to bend to post her letters through !
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What a boring slog.
Moaning, groaning... is that also a symptom of an under active thyroid 🤔
The weight gain is because she eats copious amounts of tit.
I've recently lost a couple of stone and I know that when I'm heavier my mental health suffers. When I lose the weight the aches and pains disappear, mentally I'm in a better place and all over happier.
And I don't have an under active thyroid.
And getting dressed for a walk and that poor dog thinking it's going out, then stopping to waffle some more, going to the door, then stopping to show the new door... he should have lifted his leg and peed on her 🤣🤣