It's Em #17 A grifted P&O (Princess and Onslow) cruise

I think she's conscious what people comment, so doesn't mention cost (as that'll alienate people who can't afford it) and doesn't really show the full extent of food (as people will make comments about overeating) so ends up talking about not much..

One, or two at the most videos would have done it.
Yes I get that, but she said ages ago she'd like to do more travel vlogs, showing a room, some food, some trips isn't really being that! Yes she'll get ripped whatever she says/does, but she put herself out there.
She could easily prefix videos with an explanation eg yes we are a household of 3 with full time wages, we are very fortunate to be able to afford these trips etc etc, we're lucky we don't need to save, here's the breakdown of what we spent'.
Instead she just becomes even more secretive about the whole thing leading people to speculate for example I think genuinely think her Aunty paid for it all because she hasn't mentioned anything about cost or needing to save for this trip
When she said the 716 club 🤣🤣🤣
It’s the 710 club and if she knew anything about anything then she would know it’s the bar that Garry Barlow designed and has his choice of musicians/bands in there. It’s a fantastic place and was one of our highlights on the ship
Thank you.
You have actually given us a bit of interesting information about that ship. It makes me want to find out more.
P&O should choose you to promote their cruises.
They made sure they got their last breakfast on the ship! Em had omelette; scrambled eggs; fried egg; three hash browns; bacon and a bread roll ! Three different types of eggs????? She had more on that plate than I eat in a day! There’s a difference between calories you need in a day and pure greed! Not only that, I might eat one egg a week - not 6 eggs on one plate! 🤢
They made sure they got their last breakfast on the ship! Em had omelette; scrambled eggs; fried egg; three hash browns; bacon and a bread roll ! Three different types of eggs????? She had more on that plate than I eat in a day! There’s a difference between calories you need in a day and pure greed! Not only that, I might eat one egg a week - not 6 eggs on one plate! 🤢
Doesn’t eating a lot of eggs bung you up 🤔💩 Onslow will have to get his plunger on standby 🤢🤣🤣🤣🤣