Health anxiety #4

Does anyone have any exp with FIT tests? I had my results back and it’s negative with a score of 4. The cut off for a positive is 10. It’s good news but my health anxiety can’t see past the 4 and that it’s not zero, which I know is ridiculous. I’ve googled that much I’ve managed to found a couple of NHS trials and a private clinic that both have 4 as their cut off so obviously I’ve started to panic. Does 4 mean there is SOME blood just not enough to worry about? Would most people have SOME blood present? Sorry, I know I sound like a mad woman, I’ve had it signed off by the Dr as negative and should be happy and move on. It doesn’t help because the Dr I saw said the cutoff was 4, but absolutely nowhere online says that, it’s all 10, the lab comment on my app also says it’s 10, so I think he must have just been wrong. I just wish my result was 3.9 and then I probably wouldn’t worry 😂
Does anyone have any exp with FIT tests? I had my results back and it’s negative with a score of 4. The cut off for a positive is 10. It’s good news but my health anxiety can’t see past the 4 and that it’s not zero, which I know is ridiculous. I’ve googled that much I’ve managed to found a couple of NHS trials and a private clinic that both have 4 as their cut off so obviously I’ve started to panic. Does 4 mean there is SOME blood just not enough to worry about? Would most people have SOME blood present? Sorry, I know I sound like a mad woman, I’ve had it signed off by the Dr as negative and should be happy and move on. It doesn’t help because the Dr I saw said the cutoff was 4, but absolutely nowhere online says that, it’s all 10, the lab comment on my app also says it’s 10, so I think he must have just been wrong. I just wish my result was 3.9 and then I probably wouldn’t worry 😂

"According to NICE guidelines, a Bowel Cancer Screening FIT test result between 0ug/g to 9ug/g is normal"

You should be very happy with a 4!

It's just your anxiety making you want to spiral. But you are fine :)

Everything I read said 10 is classed as a possible and anything under is a negative. You aren't even close to a 10.
Does anyone have any exp with FIT tests? I had my results back and it’s negative with a score of 4. The cut off for a positive is 10. It’s good news but my health anxiety can’t see past the 4 and that it’s not zero, which I know is ridiculous. I’ve googled that much I’ve managed to found a couple of NHS trials and a private clinic that both have 4 as their cut off so obviously I’ve started to panic. Does 4 mean there is SOME blood just not enough to worry about? Would most people have SOME blood present? Sorry, I know I sound like a mad woman, I’ve had it signed off by the Dr as negative and should be happy and move on. It doesn’t help because the Dr I saw said the cutoff was 4, but absolutely nowhere online says that, it’s all 10, the lab comment on my app also says it’s 10, so I think he must have just been wrong. I just wish my result was 3.9 and then I probably wouldn’t worry 😂
I imagine there is always some blood ‘registered’ on the test because of the way the body breaks down old blood cells etc, but it’s not blood blood if that makes sense?
Does anyone have any exp with FIT tests? I had my results back and it’s negative with a score of 4. The cut off for a positive is 10. It’s good news but my health anxiety can’t see past the 4 and that it’s not zero, which I know is ridiculous. I’ve googled that much I’ve managed to found a couple of NHS trials and a private clinic that both have 4 as their cut off so obviously I’ve started to panic. Does 4 mean there is SOME blood just not enough to worry about? Would most people have SOME blood present? Sorry, I know I sound like a mad woman, I’ve had it signed off by the Dr as negative and should be happy and move on. It doesn’t help because the Dr I saw said the cutoff was 4, but absolutely nowhere online says that, it’s all 10, the lab comment on my app also says it’s 10, so I think he must have just been wrong. I just wish my result was 3.9 and then I probably wouldn’t worry 😂

I don’t remember getting a reading on mine it just said negative?

When I read up on it beforehand it said some people with piles may get a positive result due to blood from piles. I have piles but mine was still negative. I wouldn’t worry.
"According to NICE guidelines, a Bowel Cancer Screening FIT test result between 0ug/g to 9ug/g is normal"

You should be very happy with a 4!

It's just your anxiety making you want to spiral. But you are fine :)

Everything I read said 10 is classed as a possible and anything under is a negative. You aren't even close to a 10.

Thank you for this, it’s very kind of you to look. Not going to let my crazy anxiety head let me spiral!

I also feel vastly better after discovering that the cut off is 10 if you do a “symptomatic” test via the GP. The cutoff for the same test on the bowel cancer screening programme for those without symptoms is a whopping 120, which makes 4 look pretty measly 😂
Thank you for this, it’s very kind of you to look. Not going to let my crazy anxiety head let me spiral!

I also feel vastly better after discovering that the cut off is 10 if you do a “symptomatic” test via the GP. The cutoff for the same test on the bowel cancer screening programme for those without symptoms is a whopping 120, which makes 4 look pretty measly 😂

Mine was part of the bowel cancer screening programme (they are now testing people under 60) so glad to read that as it makes me feel even more relieved as I was scared about mine as my Dad had BC.
Right..anyone with medical knowledge know about the finding of fluid in the Pouch of Douglas on pelvic ultrasound? got my report back and it mentions 13mm of fluid in there, which to me sounds like a lot and you’re not supposed to have a lot in there 😫
Right..anyone with medical knowledge know about the finding of fluid in the Pouch of Douglas on pelvic ultrasound? got my report back and it mentions 13mm of fluid in there, which to me sounds like a lot and you’re not supposed to have a lot in there 😫
do you mean 13ml?
Right..anyone with medical knowledge know about the finding of fluid in the Pouch of Douglas on pelvic ultrasound? got my report back and it mentions 13mm of fluid in there, which to me sounds like a lot and you’re not supposed to have a lot in there 😫

Found this for you!

So it all seems normal.


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Anxiety is doing a number on me lately - pressure from all directions work relationship and trying to keep on top of everything and getting OCD issues again. I'm getting really down and I am thinking maybe I will have to consider medication but now having massive health anxiety over the potential for side effects of the medication a dr might prescribe so scared to eben make an appointment. I feel like such a massive head. i know plenty of people who've gone to the dr for less than what i experience and happily recommend the pills and don't have issues with it. But i've been googling the ones I've heard of and really stressing out about whether its the right thing to do. I've tried all sorts of therapy and just don't feel like i've got it in me to start all over again with that. if it hasn't worked to stop this happening now i'm not bothering.
Anxiety is doing a number on me lately - pressure from all directions work relationship and trying to keep on top of everything and getting OCD issues again. I'm getting really down and I am thinking maybe I will have to consider medication but now having massive health anxiety over the potential for side effects of the medication a dr might prescribe so scared to eben make an appointment. I feel like such a massive head. i know plenty of people who've gone to the dr for less than what i experience and happily recommend the pills and don't have issues with it. But i've been googling the ones I've heard of and really stressing out about whether its the right thing to do. I've tried all sorts of therapy and just don't feel like i've got it in me to start all over again with that. if it hasn't worked to stop this happening now i'm not bothering.
From someone whose anxiety took over their life to the point I couldn't leave the house taking medication saved my life. I was really worried about starting it, was worried about the side effects and when I was prescribed it I googled all the information and it made me worse! I started it because my sister was getting married and I needed to be fine for being bridesmaid. Within 1 week I was a brand new person and that was 3 years ago now. My anxiety can still rear up but it's so much calmer and I can function. I would also recommend beta blockers as they can help with the physical side of anxiety and relax you. Wish you all the best!
Anxiety is doing a number on me lately - pressure from all directions work relationship and trying to keep on top of everything and getting OCD issues again. I'm getting really down and I am thinking maybe I will have to consider medication but now having massive health anxiety over the potential for side effects of the medication a dr might prescribe so scared to eben make an appointment. I feel like such a massive head. i know plenty of people who've gone to the dr for less than what i experience and happily recommend the pills and don't have issues with it. But i've been googling the ones I've heard of and really stressing out about whether its the right thing to do. I've tried all sorts of therapy and just don't feel like i've got it in me to start all over again with that. if it hasn't worked to stop this happening now i'm not bothering.

You sound like me.

I tried therapy and it didn't work so I decided to try Sertraline. Best thing I ever did. I was on it for about 3 years and felt the best I've ever felt anxiety/OCD wise. I stupidly decided to come off it. I was off it for about 2 maybe 3 years and I SPIRALED. Literally rock bottom with OCD just going insane.
I couldn't cope with it anymore so I decided I needed to get back on.

Problem is I'm phobic with the doctors and avoid unless I really *must* go. I called for a phone appointment to get back on meds and the Nurse practitioner prescribed them. Didn't have to set foot in there. Everything and all the med reviews have been over the phone.

Now the side effects. They suck, I'm not going to lie. Some people experience them more than others.

My side effects were quite severe but like I said, I was rock bottom and couldn't carry on living the way my mind was. So I kept with the meds.

Ive been on 150mg for about...3 months now?

Again, it's the best thing I've ever done (again). Do I still have OCD and anxiety? Yes. But it's only a 3/10 now instead of the 10/10. I can actually function again now.

Basically, I know it's scary and your mind is telling you all the awful things that could happen....but that's the anxiety talking and it's lying to you.

Give the doctors a call and ask if you can have a phone appointment to discuss your anxiety and possible medication. Just see what they say - you don't have to commit there and then
Am I the only one who has this kind of thought process?
starting driving lessons and I’m worried (my brain is telling me definitely) I’ll start learning and having freedom and im going to be diagnosed with terminal illness, maybe pancreatic cancer and I’ll be dying and have to deal with the fact I didn’t drive when I was younger so I’ve missed out on life and now I’m dying 🥺
Am I the only one who has this kind of thought process?
starting driving lessons and I’m worried (my brain is telling me definitely) I’ll start learning and having freedom and im going to be diagnosed with terminal illness, maybe pancreatic cancer and I’ll be dying and have to deal with the fact I didn’t drive when I was younger so I’ve missed out on life and now I’m dying 🥺

YUP! I have so many of these. Can't acknowledge my hair looking nice incase I "tempt fate" and get cancer and lose it all to chemo.

I wanted to learn how to draw but worried that if I learnt then I'd get some eye disease and go blind.

On and on it goes. Magical thinking