Another passive aggressive PR based puff piece in the evil Daily Mail about the second anniversary of the worlds worst wedding not involving "travellers" Carlsberg Special Brew, Bathtub Methamphetamine and "Did you
duck my Tracey last night?":
"Last year Meghan gave her husband a framed copy of their wedding speech 'Without Prejudice and Subject To Contract'.." that she had written out in her serial killer handwriting.
"This year, they both gave each other gifts based on Cotton" A source resembling a goosed Iranian catamite painted onto a balloon exclusively tweeted to the world "Undoubtedly it was very creative and romantic, as all their gifts are to each other."
Later Harry was seen in Meghans new organic Cotton Plantation specially installed in Tyler Perrys medium secure entertainment facility. He appeared to be tied to a stake and said he was "thirsty" but "so grateful to have found a woman who understands me." He explained that she was "firm but fair" and he had made an "honest mistake" because he "has always been a bit slow " getting her a Ginger Tom, forgetting she was allergic to mammals.