So anyway,been with the twits again and one of the birds tweeted....the RF didn't comment on their anniversary because there is going to be an announcement soon about a pending separation/divorce?? And that h is already in the UK...
when asked about the source,they said it came from a friend who works at a big pr firm in London...
Take from that what you will...please join hands and pray that they know something we don't and hope they don't spread fake news..
Maybe that's why they are quiet and it's mongy meg adds up how much she wants to move on to the next was in the news that her friend has just bagged herself a billionaire so where there's one...just like buses,mongy is hoping
..we have to watch her for copying then we will know who she's after....that's how she starts,like an epidemic
Sometimes I think I know her so well,I could write a book about her...
Or has that already been done,