Josie does the same type of thing in the comments of other influencers. She is literally one of the first people to comment, gets huge likes on the comment, and drives traffic her way. Anytime another influencer in her circle does something or launces something, there is old Josefiend dutifully singing their praises. This, also guarantees that whatever company the person is working with, is forced to notice the Fashion Mumblr. She must comment within seconds of their posts, so has to sit waiting for it to go live. I have noticed this with Victoria, Freddy and the Lydiot (I don't follow the others), but she especially likes to be first in Freddy's comment section. She also makes sure to purchase something from their collection and then is sure to wear it, mention it and promote it. I've seen this so many times. I wish I had the good sense to have screenshot them all.
She has learned from Josie. Josefiend is the master at the piggyback off other influencers! A good example is how Josie used pics from Robin's wedding on her Instagram before Robin herself had posted anything.