Yes jokes aside it is good to know the facts. I have some questions for
@Potoooooooo because we always assumed in addition to something like this that maybe some free promotional dental work made it worse. I swear it wasn’t this bad before the bonding… right before the move. After this freebie she had teeth so big.
Did she make it worse with these freebies? Will it keep getting worse genetically?
Freebie receipts
How I Curl My Hair & GALENTINES Day VlogSkip to 14min.51sec to see how Fashion Mumblr's (463k YouTube subscribers and 198k Instagram followers) smile was transformed with #compositebonding by Dr. Tom.Following Invisalign, Josie aka Fashion Mumblr was unhappy with the gaps between her teeth so...
This was also the first time I ever saw her do her hair. I was not a big follower at the time (and now only do so to hang out here). Um she put her hair in her mouth and still does.
View attachment 784235 q
Did she make it worse with these freebies? Will it keep getting worse genetically?
yes she made it worse, but only slightly, is not that big of a difference,
Will it keep getting worse genetically? no, her growth spurt is finished, if she wanted to correct this earlier, her mom should have started at early childhood with removable appliances, like an activator if the problem is a smaller than average mandible and a normal maxilla or upper jaw, or a head gear if the problem is a bigger maxilla and a normal mandible, but from her profile it looks like her maxilla is the issue. I cannot tell you more without her dental records
This was also the first time I ever saw her do her hair. I was not a big follower at the time (and now only do so to hang out here). Um she put her hair in her mouth and still does.
if you notice she is sliding her mandible forward, is not something she would do normally, that's why when she's relaxed and smiling naturally you see her teeth protruding
if she went with the orthodontics route and had bracers but the problem was not solved it was either 1) her dentist told her to extract two premolars and she didn't want to
2 ) her orthodontist just corrected minimal issues and got his money and considered her case done
3)she doesn't want to go through surgery, it is a lengthy treatment, 1-2 years brackets-->surgery --> and 1 year brackets again
4)she's used to it and doesn't mind or
5) she's waiting for a freebie, but no serious orthodontist would, her veneers are an easy procedure and not so costly for the dentist, her dental problems include a whole team of professionals, including maxillofacial surgeons and IDK in the UK but here in Japan it cost upwards to 10 thousand dollars
Also it looks like she used invisalign, I seriously do not recommend that for difficult cases like hers, she needed proper brackets, premolar extractions and also looks like she needs something called myofunctional therapy, I think in the west it's called MEAW?? please someone correct me if I'm wrong. Basically is a habit reprogramming therapy, they would teach her proper tongue position at rest, proper swallowing etc.