Yeah, being bilingual is fantastic for many professional jobs in Canada. Sorry if this sounds stupid, but how do we know she is actually fluent in French? Just because it's your first language, as she claims, doesn't mean you can speak, read, and write it fluently. My guess is that she can probably speak French OK but can't write or read it that great because she only learned it from her mother and in grade school French class.
I honestly question everything she claims. From her "Tiffany" engagement ring to her "Oxford University" program to her dress size to her job, everything seems like an exaggeration or a straight-up lie.
Elle speaks French fluently (I think) but probably doesn't read or write it that well. But she can brush up on her French - go to Quebec for 1-2 years or even France. She can take French courses. I know of people (quite a few) who had to write licensing exams for work who never spoke French at all, was offered a job in Quebec on the condition they pass exams in French and they did it (it took a lot of work and they studied French intensively for 1-2 years) but they all passed. And they didn't have Mamma G's purse strings for support like Elle.
Elle is just lazy. I mean she had a French speaking mom and she has a good foundation (way better than the people I know that did it). But she never thought about it.
People forget languages all the time. I know a girl who did French immersion in elementary and junior high. But then she forgot her French really fast after 4 years of English high school and University. Fast forward 10 years and she needed French for her job in the medical field and needed to pass French licensing exams and she brushed up on her French and in 1 year she was done.
If Elle put more effort into her life and her career, she'd be way better off. Instead she chose to chase guys for about 10 years after she graduated law school. Plus moving to Quebec, she can say that she chose to study law in Europe because she's a EU citizen with a French mom and people would buy her story. But no....she's lazy as hell. You don't get a good career handed to you on a silver platter.
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