I have a lot of friends who are adult medics in London hospitals. I can only give their experience in London - cases are picking up, with younger people presenting more often. They’re seeing people in their 30s to 40s who are sick but don’t necessarily need admission for breathing support.
This is in stark contrast to the first two “waves”. I was moved to adult A&E and I often encountered people in their 50s-60s presenting pre-terminal, I mean if they weren’t given the breathing mask immediately, they would definitely die. The wards were horrendous. People dying left, right and dented. It was terrifying, I felt like I was in a real life horror movie.
So things are better now compared to the first two waves. Long covid is awful though.
I will continue to take every precaution I can because I cannot take the risk of suffering with long covid.
I only know of two colleagues who got covid twice but this has to be taken in the context of us being double vaccinated by late December…I really don’t know how much immunity we have now. A