I think if they’re going to do it they need to act and do it now. With the current shambles of the testing, god only knows how many people potentially infected as they haven’t been notified of contact with an infected person. If they’re that concerned about the rising infection rate, now is a good time to prove that to the public and act appropriately. I think I could just about handle if they decided to do it right now. But I won’t cope with it being a ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown that goes on for another 3 months.
I agree.
If they do it decisively AND don’t have a million different loopholes. I personally feel the current restrictions (in Scotland) have too many loopholes. Kids don’t count in numbers, you can’t go in to houses but you can if your family are your childcare. I know someone who meets with her sister st their Mum’s house for coffee under the guise of childcare. Trades can come and go but no family visits. Etc. My father in law is a plumber... so he can come into our house providing he has his overalls on and tool bag.
Couldn’t cope with a long lockdown- totally agree!