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Is anyone else’s anxiety making them think they have symptoms but probably don’t I hate this so much I’m not sleeping because I’m worried so much.
The brain is powerful. It can make you experience symptoms when you don't have them. I've had anxiety since childhood and now my daughter has it. She's convinced everyday she has coronavirus. She goes from having a sore throat to a cough (although I never hear her cough) to saying she can't breathe and saying her chest is tight. I had been saying 'you're young, even if you get it, you'll only get it mildly' but now she's seeing that young people are dying from it, she's panicking even more.
What is weird with me is that I have really bad health anxiety and at the beginning of this outbreak, I got a sore throat and cough but no fever but I have never once thought I had it or panicked over it. I read everything about it and still don't panic. I don't understand it at all as I normally think I've got everything and anything. But..I have noticed that my general anxiety has lessened. It's all very odd but the same thing happened to me when my Dad was seriously ill and had cancer then pneumonia then the cancer returned and then he died. Once he died, it was such a shock to lose him and I was so worried about my Mum that my own anxiety disappeared and didn't return for about a year. I think when I have someone else to worry about, I stop worrying about my own health anxiety?