I think there’ll be more variants as Covid-19 is not going away. I read a really interesting article about tracking wastewater for lineage. They found lineages which had not been detected in humans and which contained mutations that meant they infected rodents.
“In a study described in Nature Communications last month, researchers John Dennehy of the City University of New York’s Queens College and Graduate Center and Marc Johnson of the University of Missouri used in-depth sequencing methods to
detect new forms, or lineages, of SARS-CoV-2 in New York City’s wastewater.
These lineages, which had not yet been detected in a person, contained mutations that allowed them to infect rodents, suggesting that they may have entered the water system via New York’s ubiquitous sewer rats. The finding reinforces concerns that animals may serve as reservoirs for COVID, and tracking their infections could prove important for plans to curb the pandemic.”
A CDC database of sewage data from communities around the nation could provide earlier warning of outbreaks and new viral variants