Is it just me (genuinely don’t mean offence) but should we keep the “I dreamt about them” to ourselves?
This forum as a whole calls out the
tit show of Carrie, and we call it as we see it.
However we have a reputation of being ‘obsessed’ by those who put theirs lives out there and we happen to have opinions on - and have to come here to have actual discussions about without attack or the super fans or just being deleted.
But whenever I see someone’s had a dream about her or the weird shrek guy (and this is just me, not saying this is right!) I feel it’s a bit weird.
I get you can see someone selling Sky internet outside boots and somehow they end up in your dream, and things like that happen. But with the ‘obsessed’ reputation we have I just don’t feel admitting to her being in dreams is really needed or relevant?
Everything being said here Is based on what we can see, but I can imagine Carrie or others thinking “oh they’re dreaming about me now yeah I knew it OBSESSED!!!”
again I don’t mean to come across any kinda of way I just in a way feel it undermines the reality of what we see when so many are now dreaming about her and sharing these things which didn’t even happen?
(sorry I love you all I promise don’t hate me