Bradley Simmonds #2 Washes his face with Guinness, rubs some Spam into it, then lets it bake in the sun

That is so toxic! I can't believe he's saying this. That's such a harmful message. There is no good food there is no bad food, just like there is no clean food and no dirty food (unless it's literally covered in dirt like mud or so). Letting yourself down by eating? How is eating and fueling your body letting yourself down? And why does he think people automatically and always immediately pick the "wrong" food? In stead he should teach people to have a healthy mindset about both food and working out, in both cases balance is key. You don't have to workout perfectly in order be and stay in good shape (whatever that shape looks like to you and you only!) and you don't always have to eat "perfect" in order to eat well. It's also very individual right? I'm not sure about all of you, but how I go about eating is quite different each year, each season, each month, each week.
During summer I eat more salads, fresh fruits, vegetables, proteins. During winter I eat a lot more carbs and fats usually because I crave them more, maybe because it's colder and I just need a bit more energy? Who knows? I still eat very healthy and balanced, just a little more of this and that because I listen to my body (and also I "listen" to whatever I have in the fridge or the freezer lol because living alone you can't always eat whatever right?). That is normal? My weight has been roughly the same for many years despite the many changes I make throughout the year. Sometimes I eat more veggies and fruits, sometimes I go to bed realizing I didn't have any fruit at all 🤷‍♀️ other days I eat enough for 3 days. It is what it is sometimes. And that is normal and that is fine. The body is smart after all, it's not like a machine you can control.
His mindset is so toxic and harmful.

Yours is a holistic approach to diet and lifestyle, he's a one size fits all toxic jackhammer. All this dude cares about is making money and since he's not very bright despite of being loaded he's always sounding like a total caveman. If selling watermelon would have made him a billionaire he would be pushing watermelon everything 24/7 till it came out of our ears. And don't even get me started on his brooding modeling videos and poses, dude looks like he's constipated. Please get over yourself Bradders.

I have a fussy toddler and if I only looked at what he eats in one day I'd get stressed, some days are better than others, I just look at the whole week to make sure I'm doing my best to keep him fed and healthy. Some days he will want cheesy poofs for dinner lol, and others he will eat like a pregnant lady, salmon and cream cheese, broccoli pear and carrot smoothie and then ask for peanut butter lol. I think the way you eat sounds great, I think I'm very similar and the seasons/weather will dictate that as well.
Plus the wrinkled prune doesn't understand that first everyone needs to get all the blood tests necessary to understand where you are , where you are missing necessary supplements, go to a GP, endocrinologist if needed and then work with CERTIFIED dietitian or nutritionist. There so many underlying conditions. He should read a book about where populations are living the longest and see that No-one spent their lives building muscles...and if they build muscles it is because of hard physical work..not the hard work when eating a pain chocolat on a laptop while admiring the reflection in the mirror...
Yours is a holistic approach to diet and lifestyle, he's a one size fits all toxic jackhammer. All this dude cares about is making money and since he's not very bright despite of being loaded he's always sounding like a total caveman. If selling watermelon would have made him a billionaire he would be pushing watermelon everything 24/7 till it came out of our ears. And don't even get me started on his brooding modeling videos and poses, dude looks like he's constipated. Please get over yourself Bradders.

I have a fussy toddler and if I only looked at what he eats in one day I'd get stressed, some days are better than others, I just look at the whole week to make sure I'm doing my best to keep him fed and healthy. Some days he will want cheesy poofs for dinner lol, and others he will eat like a pregnant lady, salmon and cream cheese, broccoli pear and carrot smoothie and then ask for peanut butter lol. I think the way you eat sounds great, I think I'm very similar and the seasons/weather will dictate that as well.

Awh I hope you don't worry about your toddler too much. He seems to be doing well from what I read? It's natural like that, right? Loads of toddlers are very fussy so some days if they have enough to eat and they are healthy, active, happy and doing well isn't it fine? Of course it's important a child eats plenty of foods and it's important to offer them a variety etc. but some days are just *those days*, you know? My cousin had a very fussy child as well, he would often not eat dinner. Other families always had the rule no dinner no dessert. But she said, if he doesn't eat his dinner AND no dessert he doesn't eat anything at all, so she would always give him a dessert because it's also part of dinner she argued. And he always ate his dessert because he liked it. She always tried to get the healthiest dessert she could so she could at least get him to eat something sort of healthy and nutritious. He also liked things like peanut butter so she would spoon extra into/with his dessert sometimes so he would eat least get some healthy fats and calories in. Things got a lot better later on and now he eats anything basically.
As a parent you try your best, your absolute best. That's all you can do right? I think it's better to look at the overall picture in stead of hyperfocussing on 1 meal or 1 day. We all have our off days right? Sometimes you just do your best to get through the day and try to make it. Life is hard enough as it is, especially with a fussy toddler.

I think there is a lot of parent shame and blame and it's easy to take that very personal. My friends have children and the stories I hear from them sometimes are just making me so sad? The worst is not even coming from fellow parents but from the child consultation clinics etc. they have shamed my friends so incredibly much for such stupid and small things that really don't even matter. It's just disgusting to me. Thankfully my friends are pretty strong mentally and can wave it off, but I'm sure a lot of parents feel like garbage leaving the clinic after their checkups.

It's easy to see why you would get really stressed about things.

And it's the same for adults. There is so much harmful and toxic information out there that is not there to help anyone but rather to stress other people, to make them panic-buy meal plans, programs, work-outs, wellness things. Because panic and stress sells well. It's the same for people like Bradley. If he gets his followers stressed and worried about things (like their meals, their workout, their shape, their size) they are more likely to buy his products. It's important to keep those things in mind when reading, hearing and seeing things like this.
^ That was lovely, thank you! And yes, sadly there's a whole industry out there from influencers to wellness practitioners etc who love to shame you into following their program, buying their things to "fix you" etc that's why I hate Bradders so much and I agree, panic and stress sells. Anytime he gets on his stories yelling at women to get into their bikinis I want to smack his face with a frying pan.

“My dream was to have a cottage next to Soho farmhouse”

This guy is a walking cliche 🤦🏼‍♂️ At least he can now spell ‘Cotswolds’ so that’s a bonus I guess!
Same cottage he's been renting out for a while no? He keeps re-doing things he's already done, his app is on some new life support every few months, his cottage again renovated, we already saw him doing it when he was infiltrating Niomi Smart, nothing new from these fake it till you make it people.