Bradley Simmonds #2 Washes his face with Guinness, rubs some Spam into it, then lets it bake in the sun

It was some kind of generic inspirational quote video/voiceover about having dreams and going for it. Clearly a bit of damage control.

I was tempted to unfollow but I want to see what rubbish he comes up with next.
I unfollowed ages ago and it’s pleasing not to have him pop up. I rely on tattle to keep me updated of his stupidity 😂
Another 326 followers lost so far today….3.5k in last 30 days….maybe people are actually waking up to how thick, arrogant and mysogynistic he is…we can hope
He thinks that being kind is a weakness, and sees anyone who is vegan or plant based as a lesser person so he enjoys attacking that. Might as well walk around kicking puppies and babies. Anytime I see the crap he spews I make a mental note to make sure that my son never ever ever grows up to be like him. Then I'd fail as a human and as a parent.
He thinks that being kind is a weakness, and sees anyone who is vegan or plant based as a lesser person so he enjoys attacking that. Might as well walk around kicking puppies and babies. Anytime I see the crap he spews I make a mental note to make sure that my son never ever ever grows up to be like him. Then I'd fail as a human and as a parent.
And he can't accept that approaches and diets different from his own can yield equally good results. There is plenty of evidence on the excellent endurance and recovery of vegan athletes (although scientific research has as yet not shown a robust difference of physical performance between diets), but he's obviously not interested in research (which may be to the detriment of some of his clients) and prefers to stick to worn out mantras like, we need animal protein to build muscle, all vegans are deficient, visible muscle is a sign of health, etc. I would never say that physical exercise is not important, but studies have shown that people with sedentary lifestyles following a whole foods plant based diet can have better overall blood work results than physically active people following a standard omnivorous diet.
And he can't accept that approaches and diets different from his own can yield equally good results. There is plenty of evidence on the excellent endurance and recovery of vegan athletes (although scientific research has as yet not shown a robust difference of physical performance between diets), but he's obviously not interested in research (which may be to the detriment of some of his clients) and prefers to stick to worn out mantras like, we need animal protein to build muscle, all vegans are deficient, visible muscle is a sign of health, etc. I would never say that physical exercise is not important, but studies have shown that people with sedentary lifestyles following a whole foods plant based diet can have better overall blood work results than physically active people following a standard omnivorous diet.

There's so much to learn about this topic yet he's always using brute force to shove one fits all solution down everyone's throat. It's almost like he invented his own religion and wants to sell it so badly he's trashing all other ones, that's the the vibe i always get with his "advice" when he goes on ranting when NOBODY asked his opinion on the topic. Eat your sausage Bradders and shut up.
He thinks that being kind is a weakness, and sees anyone who is vegan or plant based as a lesser person so he enjoys attacking that.

Absolutely this. If you are sick or whatever you are just lazy and you just need to push yourself and stuff. Like it's really that old tale of everything is your own fault and you're just lazy and you MUST "punish" yourself by exercising extra hard after you've been "unhealthy" (aka living like a normal person like sometimes you just want to eat whatever you want and just hang and relax). I'm sure he also feels that taking something like Ozempic is somehow cheating because you are not working super hard and you are taking a short cut which is "unfair" because you didn't literally sweat it out or something (I don't want to go into the Ozempic debate but rather about that kind of narrative).

I feel like especially my generation has always been taught to be incredibly hard on ourselves which has caused a lot of mental issues, like depression, anxiety and phobias.
If there's anything we need is MORE kindness and MORE gentleness and if there's anything I love is someone who is just super kind? I hate that saying people use "nice guys finish last" like what? excuse me? If I want to be with someone in a relationship (of any kind!) one of the things I mostly look for is someone who is KIND? If I want to date someone I want that someone to just be super super super kind? I love gentle and kind people! And we need more of them!
I wish he would tell people to be kind to themselves and to others as well, it really helps not just mentally but physically as well. If you feel like a failure for missing a workout you're just going into a bad spiral (or at least more likely) but if your trainer tells you not to worry, be kind to yourself, just try again next time or go a bit gentler next time if last time was too hard or too much you're so much more likely to do better next time and to try again.
Forky is so stupid ugh.
He's always going on about how much he works on the computer for his "business", but it's always on a small laptop hunched while on a sofa or another similar ad-hoc setup. Does he not even have a desk?

His sister is a moany pain in the arse 😂
We always comment about how Connie must feel about what he says as neither she or her partner are what Bradders would class as the pinnacle of health.
He got her into shape and then she whacked the weight back on and more, which isn’t exactly a great advert for him. He then tried again and was going to make a series about it but it never materialised because she couldn’t do it
She now starts a new diet/healthy living every Monday and then throws out the excuses by Wednesday for not ‘getting it done’
However she’s happy to take a wage from him so she can’t be that bothered (she had a thread on here)
He's definitely buying followers, that gets said a lot on tattle because it used to happen years ago. Thesedays no one buys followers from one of those dodgy sites they pay Instagram for ads which is effectively buying followers.

Was served up his ads to help me get in my bikini 🙄
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His face is such a jump-scare. Why is his nose so red? If he's paying for these ads, couldn't he use a filter?
Also, hot tip: if you're having trouble fitting into your swimsuit, buy a new size!
Seems like he doesn't understand his audience and his clients at all? Like who is his target at this point? Alpha males? Females? People looking for a quick fix? People looking for a long lasting result? Bali babes? People into wellness? Or rather the hard grinder? WHO is getting it done Brad? WHO? His messages make no sense.