That poor little boy. It’s not about him at all is it. It’s all about her and the story and message she wants to tell on Instagram. She is vicariously living out her dream for Ada’s birthday through Alf because she simply can’t wait for her birthday. Surely at this stage even her ‘friends’, family, infact ANYONE is looking on and thinking what the actual f@ck. He is about to turn THREE and he is being gifted wooden xylophones, wooden baby walkers (all appropriately pastel
Coloured of course) by his own mother.
She is honestly one of the most narcissistic mothers I’ve ever come across and I’ve known a few. Poor Alfie. Even every step of his birthday is being used for content. No doubt the aff links will start soon to offset the cost of his party and presents. God forbid Ash should use any of HER money.