Amanda Palmer

the nanny kept an instagram. So Neil flees, Palmer is wackadoo and the nanny is stuck there for a while. Time marches on and the nanny is writing about depression and returning to her home. She wrote some public stuff about being so thankful for all the help and people in NZ goes through extra effort to talk about how Neil helped her out with not one reference to Amanda Palmer.

That is the tea I want. That nanny probably Saw Stuff.

Interesting re the nanny. I followed her too.

If I were to guess (as an ex nanny myself) I’d imagine Ash is the product of a very unstructured, unboundaried, rootless existence which will result in behavioural issues and parents who back him up rather than work with the nanny to contain him.

Men like Neil would be very invested in younger, cooler women liking him, so I imagine the grooming was rife. He would have been thinking of the nanny’s opinion of him and adjusting his behaviour based on this.

I remember a post where AP was so proud that Ash refused to walk to school in shoes, so didn’t.

Go to any music festival in the UK over the summer and you get loads of white middle class hippies ‘parenting’ their darling Oaks, Storms, Leafs and Blazes in this way, and it’s supremely Irritating and usually ultimately damaging/neglectful to their children.
I have enjoyed a lot of his books and comics, and I do enjoy some of her music ( although I much prefer her older stuff). I just don't really like them as people anymore.

What I find really obnoxious is the way Amanda acts like she is the first women to ever experience a common female experience and is now an authority on it.

There’s a cringey mc cringe podcast where AP interviews russell brand and the way she tells stories is presumptuous that the listener is hanging on every word when they’re not.
Just in case anyone was wondering what a truly horrible person Amanda Palmer is, here is her blog post about Russell Brand. I'm putting it behind a spoiler with a warning there's a lot of details about assault.

But this is the nightmare part (her words)

In the case of Russell, he’s been really open about his many dicey life choices, so it would be weird to be “surprised” here.

He's being accused of grooming and raping but that's just run of the mill "dicey" lad behaviour.

I just can't with her.
Just in case anyone was wondering what a truly horrible person Amanda Palmer is, here is her blog post about Russell Brand. I'm putting it behind a spoiler with a warning there's a lot of details about assault.

But this is the nightmare part (her words)

In the case of Russell, he’s been really open about his many dicey life choices, so it would be weird to be “surprised” here.

He's being accused of grooming and raping but that's just run of the mill "dicey" lad behaviour.

I just can't with her.
‘People who have done stupid tit can evolve.’ - I wouldn’t say raping a child is ‘stupid tit’. She’s such a moron
Just in case anyone was wondering what a truly horrible person Amanda Palmer is, here is her blog post about Russell Brand. I'm putting it behind a spoiler with a warning there's a lot of details about assault.

But this is the nightmare part (her words)

In the case of Russell, he’s been really open about his many dicey life choices, so it would be weird to be “surprised” here.

He's being accused of grooming and raping but that's just run of the mill "dicey" lad behaviour.

I just can't with her.
Urgh. She's just so tone deaf here. What a surprise!
Holy I'm-Not-Like-The-Other-Girls, Batman!

Russell has already tried the sex addict and personal demons excuses. They didn't work, so he went down the conspiracy warren. Does Amanda seriously think he's capable of honesty, let alone remorse? The thing that stood out for me from the testimonies was the victims describing a glazed/dark look in his eyes. He's a sociopath. And I think Amanda is too.
Just in case anyone was wondering what a truly horrible person Amanda Palmer is, here is her blog post about Russell Brand. I'm putting it behind a spoiler with a warning there's a lot of details about assault.

But this is the nightmare part (her words)

In the case of Russell, he’s been really open about his many dicey life choices, so it would be weird to be “surprised” here.

He's being accused of grooming and raping but that's just run of the mill "dicey" lad behaviour.

I just can't with her.
It’s so objectionable for her to phrase all this as part of some fluffy redemption arc for him. He’s hardly going to take and kind of responsibility and it’s clear he hasn’t ‘evolved’, he’s just morphed himself into a cult figure. I don’t understand her at all.

So much of this is her extrapolating from his being nice to her. I bet it would be very different had he been a bit of an arse when they met…
It is true that for some people, a traumatic upbringing can cause them so much harm that they then go on to behave poorly as an adult.

And people do deserve a chance to learn and grow. However there are also some crimes that should never be forgotten or go unpunished.

I feel like she is trying to suggest that forgiveness worked for her, so it should work for everyone else. On Facebook her fans are lapping this up. They are like a cult that can't think any thoughts unless their leader approved them first. Some of the patreon comments are more critical and pointing out that this doesn't seem to mesh with some of the other views she supports.
It is true that for some people, a traumatic upbringing can cause them so much harm that they then go on to behave poorly as an adult.

And people do deserve a chance to learn and grow. However there are also some crimes that should never be forgotten or go unpunished.

I feel like she is trying to suggest that forgiveness worked for her, so it should work for everyone else. On Facebook her fans are lapping this up. They are like a cult that can't think any thoughts unless their leader approved them first. Some of the patreon comments are more critical and pointing out that this doesn't seem to mesh with some of the other views she supports.

Exactly. Rape is not just an offence against a person, mostly a woman or a child; it's an offence against the law because we as a society decided that it is really bleeping wrong.

So many people defend Polanski for evading justice because his victim wanted to put the whole thing behind her. But raping a child is a crime in California, as it is in all the civilised world, and while we hope his victim is ok now, California has every right to pursue the prick for the rest of his rapey days.

These women saying that they got on ok with Russell are completely missing the point. And any decency or empathy. As I pointed out on another thread, I would be HORRIFIED if someone I had slept with had gone and raped someone else. You wouldn't hear me saying, "he was nothing but kind to me" because I would be too busy trying to unclench my horrified vagina.
She's gotten into a relationship again, from her Patreon:

And now to the grand finale.

The world news has been dagger-ing the hearts of everyone I know.

Maybe in this turmoil, there's a little good news to brighten your day.

I'm in a relationship with someone, a him person, and he is really nice.

I gotta boyfriend.

He's actually an old old friend (flame, I suppose) of mine from Boston. We were in a relationship twenty years ago, and we've re-found one another.

We've been together for a little while now, and I've been wondering when or whether I say anything to y'all, but I'm putting out a beautiful piece of writing via the patreon/substack next week (if all goes well) that mentions I figure I can give you the heads up here and we can feel all fuzzy about it.

If you've been seeing the increased feeling of sparkle in my words lately, it's because I'm hanging out with a person who makes me feel wonderful, cherished, and safe; who has my back, who delights and confuses me constantly, and who has known me a very, very, very long time. It carries weight. He knows Old Boston Amanda, he knows New Mom Amanda and he knows the whole cast of characters in my old life, which feels strangely and deeply comforting at the moment, with the world's constant agitation and tumult.

Who knows.

Right now, it's all I need.

To love, and to be loved.

I love you all, too.

Thank you for being here. It's everything.


Anyone else read this with a tone? 👀


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Why would he have made her sign an NDA? I don't understand what he's not allowing her to reveal. I'm sure she hinted that he cheated when the drama first erupted, years ago? Genuinely puzzled.