Just caught up on all the Amanda Grifter Palmer and Neil Bloody Gaiman since 2021.
Can't say I am surprised at the following revelations:
Amanda is still talking obnoxious me me me shite and is now defending Russell Greasy Brand. Edgy gurl does edgy gurl stuff. 'he was lovely to me' .. yes well, it's all about you, isn't it. That's the important thing, the only important thing to the terminally self-absorbed person.
They got divorced - imagine my shock. One of those marriages between two utterly self-absorbed 'artists' that is destined to end. Usually the ones that last are between an Utterly Self-Absorbed Artist and a Self-Sacrificing, Put-Upon Spouse Who Stays in the BackGround, Suffering.
Neil is, as I thought, not a 'lovely' or 'nice' as his sickeningly twee PR suggests. Very few people of course are 'nice' in the way Neil portrays himself as, and of those that are, I can guarantee none of them are the creature known as a 'writer'. They're gnarly creatures generally and the dude versions tend to come with insane amounts of ego and expectations of their partners. Often unfair ones. I could reel off a list of Great Male Writers who treated their spouses and partners utterly appallingly and but let's just add Neil to the Minor twit List and leave it there.
It's sort of sad, realising that people you admired when you were young and read their stuff are just flawed, idiotic humans, often so flawed as to be quite appalling characters, especially domestically. But that's life innit. I say, if you want to idolise something, idolise the work, not the human.