Alexandra Stedman #12

Is she going to start dabbling in "wellness" influencing now too? She is a Jack of all trades. First the post about chris going dairy free and now the post about her going "sugar free" and feeling "better" for it.

Alex, if you're reading, 1. there is sugar in your meal despite what you think, 2. you are not qualified to be posting nutrition advice online, no matter how vague, and 3. social media is already full of unhelpful, inaccurate, and potentially harmful nutribollocks as it is. Don't go there.
‘Sugar free”?? If she stops eating the cheap white bread how’s she going to afford umpteen trips away each year? She hasn’t thought this through!
Time for the annual running galumph to Tiger for Christmas tat, though have they always paid her for it?



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I have questions/thoughts.
1) assuming she means postcards to post to people?
2) she will pay for stamps but not for cards?
3) if I received a postcard for Christmas I would straight away realise it was a cut in half Christmas card
4) who sends postcards for Christmas? 😳
5) why only the favourite ones? Are you saving the planet or not?
6) are the recipients meant to be grateful that Alex has deigned to send them one of her favourite prior year cards?

I’m sorry, this is just insane behaviour.
Her gift guides have dropped in the newsletter. They're basically PR for Uniqlo. Shouldn't she be saying they're ads in that case? Dopey has done a guide too (shampoo or shaving foam don't feature, natch) and not sure why she's done one for kids as everyone knows Peggy and Cato will be getting gifts from the local chic chaz.

And of course a photo of her grinning like a maniac next to a Christmas tree. Still not sure why she wore the hood on a relatively warm day, though knowing Alex, the photo was probably taken a week earlier!
